chapter one:

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Onision sighs softly, exiting the room that his ex-wife was now fornicating in with another woman. He liked to tell people it didn't bother him, but come on, it bothered the fucking shit out of him.

"Babe? IT was just getting interesting!"
The girl huffed but Onion-Boy shrugged.

"I gotta plan for a new video."
He shot back quickly, walking upstairs to his recording room. He plops down into the spinning chair that sat infront of his computer, finger clickety-clacking across the keyboard until he pulled open Twitter.
His shit of a profile was blowing up,

'Onision! Leafy just TOTALLY made a vid on you! lmao!'

'suck it you cuck! check out leafy's vid! xD'

and etc.

Onision smiled softly to himself, cheeks heating up a bit. He's always had this thing for Leafy but, come on, no one would accept that, not even Leafy. He grinned and clicked play on the cancerous boy's video.
His smile slowly dropped at the rude words and well, /facts/ Calvin spewed.

He was heartbroken.

Tears streamed from his face as he quickly opened up his camera pod, setting it up before recording the video of him crying about it, making it look a little over exaggerated so no one would really suspect the /actual/ pain it brought him. He wiped his teary face, quickly uploading the video.

"F-fucking dick.."

He mumbled a bit, before dragging his depressed vEGETARIAN BODY to the shower.

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