Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

            Me: I had a great time to, can we hang out tomorrow?

            Kaden: Sure! Let me plan something out J

            Me: That would be great!

            Kaden: Oh and can you do me a favor?

            Me: Sure, what?

            Kaden: Ask your mother if she could stop making out with her boyfriend in front of my house.

            I looked up from my phone and started laughing; I would have to remember to tease her about this later. Apparently things between Tristan and my mother were getting a bit more serious than I had suspected. Then again I can’t blame her because she has been single for years after Daniel’s death and her last divorce.

            She needed some company, so no I am not going to judge her, but I am going to tease her. Just as I hit the send button and told Kaden that I would pass the message on, the timer went off. I got up off of the counter and turned the oven off. I carefully took all of the cookies out and placed them onto a tray.

            My stomach began growling, and I realized I had once again gone without breakfast. After looking at the cookies I decided that they needed to be taste tested. Who wants to give terrible cookies to someone they are trying to make up with? This is how I rationalized the situation as I took a bite out of a cookie.

            Vince could not be angry with after tasting one of these cookies. They melted in your mouth and were the right combination of soft but still chewy. One word could describe this bliss, heavenly. I wrapped up the rest of the cookies and grabbed the plate and headed for my car.

            My car may not be the fanciest but it was decent, up until now I never had to drive it or anything. It was a little red car, which had low mileage and decent gas mileage. To say I wasn’t very big on cars would be an understatement. In fact I don’t even know what type of car this is, but do I care? It isn’t up on my list of concerns, although I should probably find out what it is.

            I received this car as a present; it was my first car when I turned seventeen. I passed my driver’s test and my mother bought me a car. I never asked for one, but it did come in handy. Whenever my mother was busy at work I still needed to go grocery shopping and work as well. Although since my mother has a high paying job she insisted that I had worked all throughout my childhood and could take a break.

            My car has lasted me up until now, I never had any problems with it, and I have never wrecked. I started my car and began driving to Vince’s house. He only lived a few blocks away, I could have walked but I didn’t want Kate to know I would be at her house. I wanted to keep this fight between Vince and I, so taking my car to drive to the coffee shop and Vince’s was the only option.

            Within minutes I had found Vince’s house, I parked in his driveway and walked to his front door. Before knocking I took a few seconds to pray. Now what am I praying for you ask? I am praying that Vince will not lock me in his basement and kill me. Vince just seemed like the type of guy no one wanted to get angry. With my luck I had made him pretty mad already.

            I gathered my courage and raised my fist to knock on the door, but I couldn’t bring myself to knock on the door. In fact I was frozen; of all the times for me to be a coward it had to be now. After debating if I should still knock or not the door just happened to swing open.

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