Just Getting Started

Start from the beginning

The long t shirt of his that I had on didn't cover enough and his thumb was happy to pull my panties to the side.

I yelped feeling him enter me and moaned at his steady strokes, trying to keep my noise down and read this letter.

Dear Kelly,

I know all the run ins we've had in court, and everything we used to argue back and forth about, but you need to remember this is OUR daughter. Even though I told you not to be in her life, I've had a change of heart and since you helped make her then you should help raise her. This isn't just about me and my husbands recent separation, this is about the child that's half of you. And be a fool and not respond back to me, that'll only lead into another court appearance, raising your child support.

I grunted, pushing Kelly away from me even though neither of us had gotten to our points yet and hopped off the dryer.

I crumpled the letter, walking upstairs and throwing it in the trash can of our room and sat on the bed as Kelly came through the door.

"What's wrong witchu? You never stopped me in the middle of sex before."

I was quiet before he came and picked me up, circling my legs around his waist before sitting down and so he had my full attention.

"Nothing," I faked a smile.

"You sure?" he asked and I nodded before kissing his lips.

"Alright... now back to business." he flipped me so my back was on the bed and finished what he started.

After both of us got our benefits off I threw my hair into a bun and slipped on my robe before checking on the kids.

The eldest four were at school and Kamden and Kash were playing with the big hot wheels ramp in the playroom.

I went and took a shower and when I got out to get dressed Kelly was still sleep so I took the opportunity while everyone was out the way, to clean the house.

I wanna say a few months after Kash, I let go of my job and became a stay at home mom. Kelly didn't like that I was always stressed trying to juggle long late night shifts and six children during the day and I didn't either so I just quit.

But at the same time I had no regrets and love watching my babies grow up all day, everyday.

Yet it's not fair that Kelly always had something to say about his day and I don't even get asked about mine because I don't have a job so why ask?

The year anniversary of Jordyn's death just passed and this was the first day in a while I hadn't cried, which reminded me, I needed to call and check on Kyron.

I also needed to call and go see Jayda and Cordell. They were currently separated, in the process of getting a divorce, just because of nonstop arguing and disagreements.

Jayda couldn't take that he had a child with another woman and she hated having to fake happy when that kid and his mother would come around on holidays and 'Dell didn't wanna just ignore them and pretend his other child doesn't exist so he wasn't going to tell the baby mama stop coming around so eventually they just split.

I think that's why I balled up that letter before letting Kelly read it.

Selfish as it may seem I didn't want that exact situation to happen. And why after a decade later do you suddenly want him to be in your child's life.

Like... issa kid.

You can't just pop in and out wanting him in her life then not in her life. Especially when you did everything in your power to make sure he wasn't in her life and their was no type of joint custody.

Kelly is a whole ass stranger to that little girl and he doesn't have a relationship with her so you tryna force a child into our family because you and your nigga aren't together anymore is weird. Ask the guy who raised her all along to finish raising her.

"Mommy!" was yelled as my four oldest kids were dropped off at the neighborhood bus stop.

"Hey babies," I hugged every one of them and followed them as they skipped happily towards our house.

A lot of people in our family dislike how we have the kids ride the bus but I think it's humbling.

No matter how my kids are raised, I wanted them to know that they're not better than the kids they're surrounded with, nor are they too good to experience what millions of other kids do everyday.

After helping them with their homework and cooking dinner, I was happy to be almost done with the day as the kids talked about what happened during theirs.

"-so Ms. Pepperman made us all write letters to someone we didn't like all because Joshua wouldn't say sorry." Knight said before shoving a forkful of broccoli in her mouth.

"Well luckily you didn't have to write one right?" I smiled and she nodded, still eating.

"That's good. Which reminds me, babe what was that letter about earlier? You didn't tell me." Kelly asked.

"Oh, um just my dad saying stupid stuff. It wasn't anything worth talking about." I shrugged.

"You sure?" he raised an eyebrow, lifting the piece of fried porkchop to his mouth.

"Sure," I fake a smile before continuing conversation with the kids.

Just a quick intro. Hope you guys like it and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thank you guys for sticking with me this far and I love you all💕

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