It's Okay to Cry ("Walk On")

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There you sat in the middle of your bed, your eyes closed and your head pounding. The pressure building inside your head was far too much and the light seemed to make it worse. Yep...another migraine from crying so hard. Wonderful...

You couldn't help it though! All of the stress from this situation was driving you insane! You just couldn't believe it even got to this point when it wasn't even supposed to.

You pinched the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger, your eyebrows furrowing. Maybe a bit of music would help to ease everything. You already took some pain relievers and that would take a few minutes to kick in anyway.

You leaned over and grabbed your headphones, plugging them into your phone that was sitting next to you. Placing the small earbuds in your ears, you leaned back against your pillow and closed your eyes. The music flowed through you and you soon began to relax a bit.

"I might bite my lip...", the next song began and you knew which one it was.

"Oh no...not now...", you said softly and took your headphones out.

"Why not now? Seems like as good a time as ever.", a voice called.

You sat up, the room dark as you had turned out the lights earlier. Looking around, you couldn't really see so you turned on the lamp on your nightstand.

"I was wondering when you'd get up.", the voice spoke again.

Your jaw dropped and you scooted yourself back on your bed. "But...but...there's no possible way!!", you exclaimed.

"Ah, what does it matter? What matters is that I'm here."

There she was. Sitting at the edge of your bed, one leg crossed over the other at the knee.


"So what...? Now you're scared of me?", she chuckled.

You shook your head. "I just...I don't understand how you're here...", you said in amazement.

She smiled and shook her head. "I'm here because you need someone to talk to.", she said and then looked you over. Your eyes were a bit puffy from crying and your nose was a little pink.

"I don't know if I'm ready to talk...", you admitted.

She nodded slowly and sat her hands on her knee. "Alright. can cry if you need to."

You quickly shook your head and tucked your hair behind your ear. You had done enough crying didn't need to do it in front of her.

"It is okay to cry yanno.", she said, concern lacing her voice. "I had a hard time when daddy passed away. I didn't wanna cry about it...but I knew that it was okay to cry as long as I didn't let that be the only thing I did. I know he wouldn't want that...and neither would whoever it is you're thinking about."

You looked up at her with glossy eyes, tears threatening to fall.

"It's okay. Sometimes it's good not to cry alone too.", she said softly.

Your lower lip quivered and then you dropped your gaze to your lap, the tears finally escaping.

"Come here...", Reba said softly and moved closer to you, pulling you into a tight hug. One hand moved to cradle the back of your head while the other rested on your back rubbing light, soothing circles.

You buried your face in her shoulder, taking in shuddering breaths.

She didn't say a word the entire time. She just held you there as you cried, letting you release whatever emotion you held inside you.

After a few moments, you could feel a small vibration from her chest. Sniffling, you quieted yourself and realized she was humming. It wasn't really a specific tune, just small, melodic sounds flowing together.

You listened as she held you a bit tighter and, slowly but surely, your crying stopped. You wrapped your arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you...for always being here for me...", you said softly.

"I'm always here.", she said softly with a smile, pulling back to look at you. "If you ever need me, I'm only one song away...and always right here..." She took her finger and pointed right to your heart.

You smiled at her and she took your chin between her thumb and forefinger.

"There we go! There's that beautiful smile.", she grinned and you giggled. "Just remember that it's okay to cry, but never dwell on anything for too long. Go do different things and see everything you can. Don't stop living. God has so much planned for you...don't miss any of it."

You nodded and smiled, taking her hand in yours.

"Thank you again Reba.", you said.

"Always.", she smiled and leaned you back against your pillow, tucking you in.

Your eyes began to grow heavy and she nodded, giving you the okay to drift off.

"Walk on...walk on. Nothing ever stays wrong that long. Walk on...walk on. Don't just stand there in the storm...", she sang softly.

You drifted off to sleep and awoke to your headphones in and your music still playing.

"Must have been just a dream...", you thought to yourself.

The music then caught your ears and you almost cried at the sound.

"...walk toward the light 'till you find the sun...and you'll be better off in the long run. Walk on."

Her voice was clear as day and you couldn't help but think of what she said in your dream.

"Just remember that it's okay to cry, but never dwell on anything for too long. Go do different things and see everything you can. Don't stop living. God has so much planned for you...don't miss any of it."

So that's what you would your life to the fullest. Yes, it was okay to be upset about what happened, but you couldn't let that stop you from being who you truly were.

You took a deep breath in and smiled, your headache gone and the heartache slowly beginning to heal.

You could do just had to face it head on.

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