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(Don't read this if you don't enjoy shitty 6th grade writing)

I was crying last night.

I smashed every picture on my wall and broke through the TV.

I don't know why I did it, but I think it was because of you.

Hasn't it been almost half a year my love, since you disappeared?

And still every night I contemplate the reasons why you left.

What if you hated me because

I'm not pretty,

What if you hated my sadness

I hated myself so much after the accident,

maybe you got sick of it,

What if you we're sick of me.

Just all in all sick of me...

And I always find the last one agreeable

Truthfully love, you owe me a TV and some new picture frames, because if it weren't for you I'd be perfectly happy and alone,

Now all I am is alone.

Do you remember the time we went to the park?

We played on the swing set and you sang songs to me, and we ate ice cream together and when night fell and we had to sleep, we slept under a sycamore tree and watched the stars.

That was the happiest day of my life.

Where are you now?

And as I stare at the black and white snow on the TV screen, I remember your last words to me,


then you walked over to another girl at the bar and kissed her, and with her under your arm, you hailed a taxi and left.

Why did you kiss her?

I haven't seen you since.

This is my last letter to you, love. I have decided to forever close our story. So as I write this I bid you farewell, because with the plague you left on me, I need to let go. I hope you find happiness just like the joy you gave me.

I love you but I no longer need you,

Farewell My Love,


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