Chapter 2- Cookies and Cream

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The cafeteria was decorated with pictures and caricatures of beasts. The walls were blood red and over the years had developed dark brown patches on them. Although it was a cafeteria, the place never smelled of delicacies, instead it always reeked of infirmity. Tiern always wondered if the other kids who weren't destined to live in this place got to taste delicious desserts and savoury dishes. One of his favourite desserts was ice cream. The white and sweet frozen treat felt like it was poured on earth from the heavens themselves. They only served it once a fortnight and Tiern remembered the anticipation he always felt.

Otherwise, he detested the place, his 10-year-old heart could never fathom why his own parents decided to leave him here. He had friends, of course but they didn't have the capability to fight off his nightmares. The teachers were kind but they didn't love him. They weren't supposed to love him. They were only supposed to clean his bedroom, give him food and educate him. It was an all boys hostel. Thus, over time, most of them had developed curiosity for the other sex and everything related to them. Relationships and love never crossed Tiern's mind. It was always loneliness that would creep up next to him and hug him at night. All of his friends were jealous of his gifts and he was jealous of their 'home'.

Today was a different day. He was going out with her. He told himself that he shouldn't be very excited but his mind knew that he was definitely looking forward to it. There was something weirdly unusual about her. Anyways, they were just pretending to be in a relationship. All of this is just an act for next three weeks and then she will be gone and he will have to go too.

He walked back to the same bench as the day before and sat down. At exact four, he heard someone's footsteps. He looked up, his eyes lit up bright.

It was Eviette. Her wavy here bouncing with her each step.

He stoop up and hugged her. Macaria felt much better now. Yesterday wasn't a dream and Rance wasn't just playing with her emotions.

"Hi." She said with a shy smile.

"No more pick-up lines today?" he asked.

"Nope. I thought you would want to try this time." She remarked.

"Sure!" He paused. "Shall we do this again?"

"Do what again?" Macaria asked.

"Go sit on the bench and I will join you."

Macaria shook her head and giggled. She went and sat on the bench. Her mouth couldn't stop smiling when Rance walked in again and sat next to her.

"Miss, can your beautiful mind spare a thought for this person sitting next to you?" He said with over dramatic gestures and his best posh sounding British accent.

"My beautiful mind is always ready to spare a thought for a handsome face like yours." She retorted.

"Do you like vegetables, miss?"

"Why sir? They aren't bad." Macaria replied.

"So, would you mind if I called you a cutecumber?" Tiern smirked.

Macaria snorted and then regained her composure. Tiern was doing his best to stay in character as well.

"Only if you don't mind being called a fineapple."

"That isn't a vegetable." Tiern interjected.

"And your pick-up line isn't original." Macaria said and gave him a toothy grin.

"You're still dating me." Tiern claimed.

"Of course." And at that moment, both of them reminded themselves, 21 days. None of them was sad about the deal; they could always keep in touch?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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