Chapter 3

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An exorcist?

"I have a class you could join if you really wanted to." Yukio offered.

I stared at him.

"Sure. Why not? That way I have a chance at killing Satan." Rin said.

"But we're demons! How could a demon be an exorcist?"

"Well we would keep it a secret." Rin said.

"Well I don't like keeping secrets." I retorted.

"Hold up. Did you say you have a class? That would have to mean you're an exorcist too. And you're a teacher." Rin said.
"And you never told me!"

"How long have you been an exorcist?" I asked.

"Well, I think we were seven when I started training." He said looking into space.

I closed my eyes.

"I'll think about it, okay?"

"Thank you, Iza."

"Why don't I cook supper tonight. Sakai. In memory of the old man." Rin said.

Yukio nodded smiling.

"Rin, you can cook?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" He said.

"Rin's the best cook I know. It's about the only thing he's good at." Yukio laughed.

"Hey! I'm good at other things..." Rin pouted.

Me and Yukio laughed.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Yukio asked still laughing.

"Four eyed mole face." Rin muttered.

I smiled.

"You guys are ridiculous." I laughed.

Rin went off to start cooking and Yukio and I talked a little about being an exorcist.

We ate in silence, not knowing what to say.

Finally, Rin stood up and said, "I'm going to go take a shower."

"Thanks for the meal. It was great." I said.

"Anytime." He said, smiling.

After Rin had left, Yukio and I cleaned up from supper.

"I've thought about your offer, and I want to become and exorcist." I said.

Yukio smiled.

"Great. You can pack everything you need now. We'll leave in a week." He said.


"Well , we'll have to move temporarily for school."

"Oh, okay."

(Time skip one week)

Here we are!

We had met Mephisto and set up our rooms in the abandoned dorm, and we're walking down the hall to our first exorcist class.

As soon as we entered the classroom, everyone went silent. I looked around a bit. I've never seen an accual classroom before bit this one seemed kinda... strange... and really purple.

"Uh. Hi. I'm Iza. Iza Okumura. And this is my brother, Rin." I said nervously.

"These are the new students that are joining us." Yukio said.

I smiled.

Let's just go sit down.

Rin spoke to me telepathically.

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