If Keith's soul is destroyed, he can never be brought back, can he?

That's not possible, unless..


Unless a little waft of his soul is introduced into him, which would ignite him and bring him back to life. And if I'm not mistaken, his soul-

Is in my pendant! I have a part of his soul in my pendant!

Yes, Sophie. Only you can save him.

How do I get it out?

Stroke it.

Uhh, what?!

Stroke the Angel along its body with your index finger.

I opened my eyes and examined the pendant even closely, the black body came to view. I stroked it gently with my index finger, feeling the smooth surface.

All of a sudden, a blue glittery smoke made an appearance and stood suspended mid air, giving us enough time to stare at it in awe.

It slowly spiralled and disappeared into Keith and in a few seconds, he woke up, coughing and spluttering.

Well done.

Words couldn't described my joy as I pushed through everyone and hugged him as tight as I could, as tight as it would be the last time I'm feeling him, tight enough the squeeze his soul out. "I'm still weak, you know." He chuckled, nevertheless, hugged me back. "I was so scared." I whispered into his ears. "I'm sorry. I couldn't do it, I couldn't hurt you. I... I really love you, Sophie."

My eyes ping-ponged back and forth his beady ones, "I love you too."

I've never said those words before, and it felt so weird hearing it from my mouth. But you know what they say, when it's the right person, even the wrong things seem right, they seem perfect. And that's what I felt now. It didn't matter that I'm a coward and I usually don't display my affection let alone say them. He was with me, and that's how I wanted it to be.

He closed the gap between us, crashing his lips into mine and there we were, sitting in Paradise, kissing each other wildly. It was my first one, the first one I actually consented to, and I thought it would be sloppy, but no. It was just perfect, it felt great. He felt great.

For a moment, I'd forgotten that we weren't alone. I pulled away a bit, and I could feel him smile against me. "I could get used to this." This earned him a smack from my side, "Oh shut up, you big oaf."

"Alright, I think that's enough feeling-my-daughter business." I heard my father say seriously, making everyone else laugh. I felt my face starting to flush, embarrassed which made them chuckle even more.

"You look cute when you blush." Keith whispered and of course, I blushed crimson now.

I got up and looked at Gabriel, "You did well, kid."

I smiled and nodded my head in response.

Marjorie skedaddled towards me and wrapped me in a warm embrace, "I used to have a daughter like you. Too bad I couldn't be with her for long." Her smile disappeared as she said softly,"I died in a car crash. My daughter, Danielle and I were on our way to her music classes when a drunk driver rammed his truck into us. Last thing I remember was me holding her tightly, hoping to protect her, to save her. That I did, although it meant depriving her of a mother."

She was teary now, and I hugged her again for providing comfort. She smelled like spring. "You have me, Mar. You'll have me forever." She smiled again and nodded.

My dad stood on the sidelines, watching me go from one person to another. He was chatting delightfully with Keith and as I came closer, Keith excused himself.

"Dad." I beamed.

"Ah, my little star, I was afraid you'd forgotten me. Come here you rascal." He pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. "I'm so proud of you."

"I love you, dad. I missed you way too much."

"Likewise, honey." He pat me on my back and I got lost another one of his hugs.
Author's Note:

Aww :')

So... Clearly, we've reached THE END.

I'm kidding! xD

I honestly can't believe the number of reads this has gotten till now. It's not much, but for me? :O Anyways, don't stop reading now because in the next and last chapter, everything will be explained and concluded. DO NOT SKIP.

I'll be updating in TWO days, yes, that's right. Along with the Epilogue. I've decided to finish it off once and for all. I'll write it, even if I have to stay awake the whole night.

I love everyone who's voted/commented on this story, you guys rock. :*


Cheers! xoxo

Affi ❤️

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