"Hello morning breath," Nadia smiled.

"You love it," he spoke with his morning raspiness.

"Sounds like you want another round." Nadia wrapped her legs around him.

He moved some strands of hair from her face & kissed her.

"Let's talk for a while first."

"If it's gonna be a while, let me go brush my teeth," she chuckled.

Nadia wrapped herself in one of the blankets & walked into her bathroom to start brushing. She leaned in the doorframe as she did so.

"So talk," she spoke with a mouthful of foamed-up toothpaste.

John laid on his back and placed his hands behind his head, grinning at her.

"Can I tell you something?"


"I think you're cute. Do you wanna catch a movie sometime?"

"Shut up," Nadia laughed. "God...I remember that day so vividly. You were so cute in your button up. I thought you dressed like that everyday until I found out it was for football."

"That line got you though. I remember bein' scared you were gonna reject me because what I said was too simple."

"Wait what?"

"I mean look at the factors. You were Nadia Ortega, head cheerleader, aspiring Valedictorian, event planning control freak that never wore shoes less than $100. I thought I needed a dozen hot pink roses & white doves to formally ask you out." He tossed a throw pillow at her knees.

"Not true," Nadia playfully gasped. "I totally owned shoes that were 50 bucks. And I would've preferred hot pink roses. Maybe I was having an off day." She tossed the pillow back at him & went to rinse her mouth out.

"Funny," he laughed.

Nadia climbed back into bed and rested her head on his chest. She drew circles and hearts with her finger across his abs & he did the same to her shoulder.

"I missed you," he softly spoke.

"I remember you pulling my hair last time you said that," she smirked.

"That wasn't the only thing I was doin'."

"Stop," she bit her lip & straddled him. "Can we please talk later, I just wanna do...less of that right now."

"One more question."

Nadia groans and lies back down next to him. "Go on then."

"Do you wanna be my girl again?"

"I'll always be Swazz's girl," Nadia winked.

"I'm serious." He locked his fingers with hers. "Just you & me against the world again."

Nadia takes a deep breath and stares up at the ceiling. John was beginning to feel nervous once she didn't answer right away.

"I don't know, alright?"

"You either know or you don't, I'm not...gettin' it."

Nadia sits up and looks at him & traces his abs again. "I love you, I never stopped. But I'm not really looking exclusivity right now. I mean, I want to see you a lot more this summer, make up for lost time. I just wanna have fun until I have to go back to Stanford in August."

"You just wanna have fun," John repeated.

"Come on," she urged him. "We're adults now. The casual thing sounds interesting. So...let's have the best summer and see where we are after that. Ground rules: no dates, no gifts, we're allowed to see other people if the opportunity arises, and no talking about our feelings. That's what they make journals and blogs for. Just sex...the best sex."

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