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~Dan's point of view~
"Phil? Phil? Come on. If you don't come out soon I'm going to come in." I called. Suddenly the door opened, Phil pushed past me with what looked like tear stains on his cheeks. "Phil are you ok?" I yelled running after him. He turned the corner and went into his bedroom, slamming the door in my face. "Phil! Phil! I'm sorry just come out and tell me what I did and we can fix it! Please!" My voice started to crack as tears began to run down my cheeks. "Piss off Dan!' Phil screamed from the other side of the door. "Phil?! Come on! Please come out!'' I begged crying properly now.

~Phil's point of view~
"Please! Just go away Dan.'' I begged covering my mouth as yet more ragged sobs caught in my throat and ripped themselves from  my body. I couldn't stop shaking. I couldn't face Dan right now. He wouldn't understand. Dan was successful. Everyone loved him. All Dan would do was apologise and try to make things "better." Dan might suggest Phil got "help." Since when had any of that actually worked? Since when was there point in living?"

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