The Date

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Honey where are you going" My mother asked as if she didn't know where I was going

"I told you mom, I have a kind of date/get to know someone date, so yeah, a date" I said not knowing what I just said

"So, a date" My mother asked trying to understand

"Yeah, you could say that" I said

"You want a ride" My mom asked grabbing her car keys "I'm leaving for work, so I can give you a ride" She said

"Sure, I'm going to Saxby's" I said grabbing my coat

It was a raining that afternoon, and the rain that fell on my head was freezing cold!


"Thanks mom" I said before closing the door

"Your welcome Tommy" She said before driving off

She likes to call me Tommy, she thinks that name fits me, and yes she knows I'm gay...And she doesn't mind it, it just my father who cares.... He divorced my mother when I came out... My mom didn't care, she didn't like the guy anyway. She actually thanked me...

I walked in and saw Zack sitting down at a table reading a newspaper and drinking what looked like coffee, I don't like coffee, and I'm not thirsty, so I ordered a blueberry muffin, my favorite, and sat down

I waited a couple minutes he didn't notice me

"Zack" I asked taking a bite out of my muffin

"Oh god hey, didn't see you" He said blushing

"You like coffee" Zack asked drinking some more

"No, I don't like coffee" I said taking another bite out of my muffin

"You like muffins" Zack said chuckling a bit

"Yeah" I said

"What are you reading" I asked looking at the article facing me

"Oh, a helicopter and a plane collided above the Hudson River" Zack said putting the paper down and taking a sip from his coffee

"So, how old are you Tom" Zack said

"12" I said "How old are you" I asked

"12" Zack replied "What do you do in your free time" He asked

"Read, write, watch TV or something entertaining" I replied "How did you learn to fight like that" I asked

"I have 3 older brothers" Zack said taking another sip from his cup

"Oh" I simply said

"So, you want to go somewhere" Zack asked

"Sure, where though" I asked finishing my muffin

"The Arcade" Zack asked finishing his coffee

"Nah, lets go to my place" I began "It's quiet I have no brothers and my mom is at work, and my father divorced my mother when I came out, so you want to" I asked studdering over some words because Zack was staring at me with his beautiful green eyes

"Sure, let me get my jacket and hat" Zack said getting up

We walked out and started towards my house.. The rain has calmed down and I could see the sun shining down, I saw a rainbow next to it, it was beautiful

"So when did you move to this place" I asked

"I just moved here a week ago" Zack said

"Nice" I said, not knowing anything else to say

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