Double Date?!

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Told by Josh and Tyler... When you see ********* it will be changing narrators but --------- will be fast forwarding it. Starts with Josh

I stood in front of Denny's door, waiting for her come outside. She had told me she would be ready in a few minutes, and had invited me inside, but I had declined. It was a nice evening and I wouldn't want to waste all of it indoors, so I decided that staying outside and taking advantage of the fresh air was a better option for me. Suddenly the door opened, and I stood up a little straighter. Denny smiled at me and did a once over. She giggled, and once again, her laugh got to me. I felt my heart flutter in my chest and I tried to calm it, but I couldn't.

She looked stunning in her simple pink dress, it was the same one she was wearing the night we first met. I felt my jaw drop a little once I released she wasn't wearing any makeup and that she was just naturally beautiful. Denny noticed my jaw drop and she gently touch my jaw and poked it in and upwards motion. "You need to keep your jaw closed, honey." She said, her voice filled with delight.

I closed my mouth and smiled at her. I offered her my arm and she linked hers with mine. "Okay, so you aren't just here to stare." She said, covering her mouth when she laughed. I looked at how she covered her mouth when she laughed, careful to make sure it wasn't because she was insecure. She had started covering her mouth when she laughed not long after our camping trip, when the fans had finally found out that our dating rumor was true, and ever since what had happened to Jenna, I was concerned it would happen to Denny.

"Denny, you don't have to cover your mouth when you laugh." I told her, as I started the car. She looked at me. "Josh, I'm okay, nothing has been happening on my photos or videos." Denny said, smiling at me. I glanced over at her and gave her a look. She shook her head. "I'm serious!" She cried, laughing, this time without covering her mouth. I smiled a little bit, seeing her teeth when she laughed calmed me down, but then again, so did her laugh.


I watched as Jenna walked into the room, her hair still in a bun, but no longer a frown on her face. I smiled to myself. She was beautiful and loved her more than anything else. Josh was a very close second, but Jenna still came first. Jenna stopped a few feet away from me and slowly turned around. She was wearing a simple purple dress. I looked into her eyes and I saw that her smile didn't reach into them and I frowned.

"Jenna, there is still time to cancel, if you want." I said, walking close to her. She shook her head. She might be beautiful, but she was very persistent. "Jenna," I started, grabbing one of her hands. She turned her head away from me. "We don't have to go, if you can't handle it." I listened to the think silence that hung in the air and I took a deep breath as I heard Jenna sniffle. "Jenna, look at me, please." I begged. Jenna slowly turned to face me.

Her face had black makeup running down it along with tears, but she still managed to look beautiful. "Jenna, we can stay home." I told her, looking to her sad, blue eyes, the ones that held my world in them. "No we have to go." She creaked out. I nodded. Jenna looked so venerable, and so sad that it broke my heart. I felt my heart as it grew heavy, as it ached, for her.

I took her hands and held them in mine. I looked into her blue eyes, which were red from crying. "Jenna, if you need to leave, tell me. If you need to talk, tell me and we'll talk. If you need anything, alert me, and I will get it done for you. I love you, I care for you. Josh loves you and he cares for you. And Denny, she will grow to love you and she will care for you. You are beautiful, you are mom. Remember that for me." I squeezed Jenna's hands. She smiled at me. "What?" I asked.

A little laugh came from her mouth. "I is mom." She said before laughing. I laughed at her and nodded. "You is mom." I said. Jenna stopped laughing and looked down at the dress she was wearing. "I'm going to change and clean up my face." She whispered. I looked at her. "Wear something that is comfortable." I said to her retreating back. I waiting until I heard the door to our room shut before I walked to the kitchen to call Josh and tell him we'd be running late.


Denny stared at a girl wearing hoodies and sweatpants that walked into the restaurant. I laughed when I recognized Jenna. "It's Jenna." I told her and she nodded at me, a smile on her face. When Tyler walked in I noticed he looked worried, even though he was smiling. "I'll be right back." I told Denny. She nodded. I walked up and pulled Tyler off to the side as Jenna sat down at the table. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked, concerned for my friend.

He looked over my shoulder. I turned around and saw he was staring at Jenna. She looked like she was far away, even though she was smiling, she looked like she was trying to escape. I bit my lip and nodded. "It's going to be okay buddy." I told him. I looked at him and noticed that he was about to cry. He loved her so much and he was so pure. "Tyler, everything is going to be okay, trust me." I said, giving him a hug.

We walked back to the table together and Denny and Jenna were talking and laughing with each other. Tyler quickly joined in on the conversation, but I got distracted by watching Tyler and Jenna's body movements and facial expressions. They both seemed off. A poke on my right shoulder took me out of my trance and snapped me back into real life. "What?" I asked, looking at Denny who laughed at me.

"Favorite song?" Denny asked, through her laughing. "Uh, Ode To Sleep, right Tyler?" I said, looking at Tyler for confirmation. Tyler and Jenna started laughing really hard. I looked at Denny who bit her lip. "Not your favorite song to perform! Your actual favorite song!" Jenna said, laughing at me. I started laughing and nodded. "I have no idea. All of them." I said, sine I wasn't paying any attention I wasn't sure if she meant Twenty One Pilots music or not. And if she did, which album.


I took a bite of my salad and zoned out once again, looking over at Jenna. She was looking down at something in her hands and she frowned. Her face become sad and detached from everyone else. I softly kicked Tyler under the table and he looked up at me.


I looked up at Josh and he motioned with his head over to Jenna. I looked over to she her quickly look up. I hadn't been able to see what Josh had wanted me to see. I look back at Josh. He pressed his looks together and let out a sigh. I looked back at Jenna who had tears forming in her eyes. I watched as one single tear slipped from her eye. Nobody took notice besides Josh and I. "Hey Denny, I have something I want to show you. Come with me." Josh said, taking Denny by the arm.

I placed my hands on the table and let out a sigh. "Jenna." I said. That was all I had. She nodded. "Can I see?" I asked. She nodded again and wiped the tears falling from her eyes away. She reached under the table and slowly pulled the phone out from under it. I turned my chair to face her, and she turned to face me. I watched as she opened her phone and opened to the page or location of the messages.

She handed it over to me, full-on crying now, and covered her face. I looked at the picture that she had posted of us before we had left home and smiled. We looked goofy. Her in sweatpants and a hoodie and me in a suit and tie. I scrolled down to the comments and read them. go kill yourself was every single comment except for You are beautiful, you are mom. I took a deep breath and wiped away my own tears.

In front of me were possible clique members' comments to my world, my life. I heard Jenna gasp for a breath and I felt my tears fall down my cheek. "Jenna..." I whispered. She shook her head. I leaned towards her and wrapped her in a hug, wishing that I could take all those comments away, whishing that I could do something besides just stand by her, wishing that I could have stopped what was happening.

"Hey, Tyler?" I heard Josh's voice, and I unwrapped myself from Jenna. He looked at what was before him, he looked at me, he saw the tears from my eyes, and he shook his head. I handed him Jenna's phone and he read the comments. "Why are they so disrespectful?" He asked, his voice cracking. Denny wrapped her arms around him. I nodded and took the phone back from him.

"I need to get her home." I whispered. Josh nodded. "I will talk to you later." He whispered, looking at Jenna. Jenna sniffed her nose and wiped away a tear. "Please.... take..... me... home.. Tyler." She said, through her tears.

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