1: I n j u r e d

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"Aaahh!!" I screamed as I rolled to the side on the hardwood floor clutching my ankle with full strength which resulted in it hurting even more. Mom came running to me from the next room and asked me what had happened.

"I tripped on the first step of the stairs." I said sheepishly.

"How did you manage to hurt yourself on your very first day in this house? What will we ever do with you, Kira?" she said as she shook her head. "Can you get up?" she added another question.

I thought it could not have been anything serious so I immediately tried to get up but as soon as I did, I felt a sharp pang and collapsed again. This worried mom and she insisted we get it checked by the doctor. So we left the packed boxes as they were and left for the nearby hospital.

"Well it's a hairline fracture." The doctor declared and I facepalmed.I had become very uncoordinated lately without any specific reason.I guess I should spend a little less time in front of my computer and a little more time getting enough sleep.

The doctor wrapped a bandage around my ankle which I was supposed to keep for a week. I was allowed to move but I couldn't do anything more than hops using only tiptoes of my injured foot.

Hoping with one leg and tiptoing with another is a tiresome task. It drains out double the energy than regular walking would. As a result, even when my mom was supporting me from one side, halfway through the hospital corridor I lost my balance a second time that day and in my frenzy grabbed the shoulder of the nearest person walking,


You gasped softly as your eyes darted in my direction in one swift motion. Your reaction was understandable since no one expects to be attacked by a stranger in a hospital while minding their own business. When I stabilized with the help of my mom and an involuntary support from you, I glanced up to apologize and I found, standing in front of me, a boy about the same age as me with blonde hair pulled up in a hairstyle whose intricacies I did not notice at the time but went on to be awestruck with it later on, and dark brown eyes. You were in what looked like a school uniform with yellow lightning symbols on both the sleeves of your coat.

"I am sorry for startling you like that. I hope I didn't hurt you." I spoke in lowest of my voice since you were a stranger and I am not a people person.

"It's alright." You replied quietly and walked away into the opposite direction.

A/n: Guys, if you like this story please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.I'd love to hear from you what you guys think of it so far. Please don't hesitate.

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