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My dear Louis,

I know you're mad, maybe even upset, but just don't do anything stupid. I left you, and your friends, Louis, for your safety. I need you to understand that. I couldn't bear for any of you to get hurt, even if it means that I may. Doing this was the most difficult decision of my life. With the events that have occurred, I think my decisions are best for everyone. The things he is capable of are... unrealistic, Louis, they're dangerous; for you, for me, anyone really. I've lived with the burden for nearly four years, I've come close to snapping, but who's to say I can't handle it for more?

I need you to do me a favor, Louis; just a few last things that I was unable to complete but need to get done. Please tell Hazel I said thank you for everything, and Louis, I do mean everything. Please give extreme attention to that detail. Let Niall know that I forgive him. The actions I took were uncalled for and childish. Tell Zayn and Perrie I wish them the best of luck. Tell Perrie she is my sister, and I love her and the bond we created. Return Harry's sweatshirt for me, it's in my room at Hazel's. I never had the time to return it. Tell Liam I'm sorry I couldn't show him how to make that hot chocolate, but Hazel knows the recipe, he may have to ask her.

Louis, I am truly sorry about what happened. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Now, this is my consequence. I feel as though I deserve this burden. I deserve to be miserable for the rest of my life.

Now that's out of the way, I need to let you know the impact you've had on me and my life. You have done so much for me Louis, and I can never thank you enough. Those restless nights, you were there to talk with me and listen to my rants of nothingness and nonsense. The nights you stayed with me, sung to me, will all be forever embedded in my memories. Even when I had lost all hope, you could make me smile. You were always there. You're my best friend, Louis Tomlinson, and I can never repay you for that.

Forever yours,

Amber Hamilton

Slamming the neatly handwritten paper onto the table, I let out a cry of frustration. Maybe if I hadn't said the things I said last night...Knowing this was my fault, I couldn't help but get weak in the knees and drop to the tan carpet. If only I could have saved her... this is my fault...

But, she's gone... I can't believe she's really gone...



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~Tommo23 xx

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