07.26.16 Tuesday

9 0 1

*screeches for 12 years*

I'm p sure the count is to like 20 days. I'm hardly packed and I move across country in less than 3 weeks lmao !

I'm also never home bc 1) wifi was shut off there , 2) I babysit basically daily ,,, so I'm staying at my sisters most the summer and do random cram packing in the few days I'm home and ya I should maybe think bout my life choices more and figure myself out idk. I'm kinda a mess.

also my Instagram is crashing before it loads and I've gotten more notifications in the last 24 hours than in the last week and I can't check any of them ffs.

but hey , on the drive out west I've convinced my mom to let me take care of the music situation so guess who's mama is gonna be listening to rhcp 😏

also I think I intended to type this book properly, based on the first part but as you can see here, that's not happening !

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