Chapter 17 , "I knew I loved before I met you"

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

- Candice-Blanche, you were a virgin, he said still stunned

- Yes, she said against his chest

- Oh my God! You were a virgin!

- Honey, I knew I was a virgin, I've always known it, she said laughing.

- But I didn't know... if I had known, I would've been gentler, I would've waited our wedding...

- You were wonderful, my love. Wedding?

- Yes, Candice-Blanche, will you marry me? I love you and I can't live without you, I want you with me forever...

- Oh Terrence, yes, yes, I want to be your wife! I love you! She said laughing curling up against him.

He was laughing and he kissed her on the lips, for a long time.

- I don't have a ring to give you at the moment, but we'll go chose one together

- Don't worry about it, honey

- I'm so happy to finally have you in my bed....

- To have me in your bed? Was that what you were thinking the first time you saw me?

- No the first time I saw you I had a déjà vu feeling on the boat...

- We met on a boat in our former life...

- That's why I talked about your freckles... I was wondering where that came from

- You couldn't have known that you were reliving the meeting between Terrence Graham Grandchester and the love of his life... Candice White Andrew

- This story is unbelievable!

- Annabelle wants to write a book about it...

- Really?

- Yes, she's the one who suggested me to that it might be a memory from a past life

- How did she get to that conclusion again?

- Well, I told her the story I was telling about the little orphan Candy I invented, and she told me about the "Charmed" episode with the new sister who though she had invented a fairytale, but it was a memory...

- Oh yeah, an episode of "Charmed"

- Yes, you  know the show? With the three witches...

- I think so, maybe I should watch more telly...

The last time I felt like this...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें