Chapter 8

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A month past by and it was pretty normal.

Around the street has changed. Aaron and Aphmau are officially dating but Aaron had to leave for a job meeting in New York. Aphmau had been lonely so she comes over to my house a lot.

My relationship with Travis is going quite well. I learned to trust him. He would always help me if I were in a bad situation or something.

I was walking around the streets and got to the park. It feels quite relaxing to walk around with no annoying friends or cars beeping at you.

I kept walking. I found a nice tree and sat under it. I later on laid on my back and stared at the tree.

I felt something tickle my right leg and climbed on top of my leg. I got up and saw a little puppy on my legs. The puppy was super cute, I'm not going to lie.

"Hi there. Are you lost?" I said while checking if it had a collar on but I see nothing.

I check under the puppy to see what gender it is and it was a boy. I hold him on my hands and got up.

"Let's go find your owner. You probably ran away from them in the park."

I walked around the park. I asked kids to see if it there puppy. Of course they would say yes because kids like puppies, so I told them to show me were there parents are and see if it's theirs.

I couldn't find the puppy's owner and by the time I finished looking for the owner at the park it was like 4:58.

I puppy already fell asleep in my arms. By the time being, I will have to take care of this little fella. But first, I need to go to the dog care center.

It is very close to the park and it is like a block away.

I walked to the left of the street. People who walked past me keep telling me I have an adorable puppy and kids squeal on how cute it is.

I got to the dog care center and I know it's closed. I have key for it since I work here and I am a vet.

I pull out the key and unlocked the door. I went in and locked it again.

I went to my office and set the little puppy down and he walked a little.

I opened the cabinet under the sink and I got out a little tub for puppies. I put it on the table in the middle of the room. I pulled the sink hose and filled the little tub with water.

I filled it up a quarter up. I just noticed that the puppy was following me the whole time which is quite adorable. I picked him up and put I'm in the tub.

The water went up to his his legs which is perfect for him. I put water on him so he can soak up. I got out soap, a sponge, and a towel and put it aside.

I got the soap out and put a bit on him and scrub him on his body. When I was done scrubbing, I rinse him off with water. I took him off the tub and I quickly took the tub to the sink and went back to the puppy.

I got back to the table and got the towel and dried him up until he was fresh. I got him on my arms again and took him to our dog store.

I picked him out a collar and it was just a black color. I got food, a bed, bowls, and all the necessary things for the little pup.

Quite sad that he is a little lost puppy. I wanted to know how old is he. I guess he is a month and a half. He is so small and little.

I went to the register and checked how much it would cost. It got me to $68.47 which is fine by me.

I wrote a note saying to Sasha, the front desk assistant, that I bought a few things and to ask me for the money when I'm at work.

I got a leash and connected it with the collar. I had the dog bag on my hand and opened the door and closed it behind me.

I walked down the block and I found myself again from the park. Then I just walked the direction from were I came from.


I was home and I set all the little puppy things in my room.

Right now I was in my front yard playing with his new toys. He learned how to fetch and bring it back to me really fast.

I was sitting on the grass and he was playing with his toys.

"You are so adorable." I said while he was on his back chewing on his toys.

"I wonder if I should give you a name? I mean, I don't want to claim you my dog but at least a name." I said and still chewing his toy.

I thought on a name.

"I think I will Resses. It's quite a cute name for you." I said while rubbing his tummy.

"Hey Katelyn." A deep voice from my right said.

I turned and it was Travis. He sat next to me on the grass.

"So who is this little angel." he said while petting Reeses head.

"It's a puppy that I found at the park. He's a little baby which worries me on why was he out alone. I was looking around to park to see if he had an owner but none of them were. So I am going to keep him for awhile." I sighed.

"So what's his name for right now?" he said as he plays with him.

"I decided to call him Resses. He just looks like that type of puppy with a cute name." I smiled.

"Why are you out here?" I asked with concern.

"Well, I came to your house to ask you something but I found you out here." he said with a nervous voice which kind of worries me.

"No worries. You can tell me if you want."

"Well, I was wondering if you like to go on a date tomorrow. I would like to take you to at park, you know to start out simple." he scratches his back of his head.

I was thinking about it. He has changed a lot. He has been so nice to me since he moved in, but also I have no idea if he will pull off the cheating shit. Why not give him a second chance.

"Yeah, I would like to go on a date with you Travis." I smiled.

I swear his smile was bright as ever. He got up and cleaned his butt if there was grass.

"Well get ready. I will pick you up at 2:00." he said while walking backwards. He almost tripped on the bump on the cement which made me giggle a little.

"Yeah, see you then." I smiled.

"Yeah, see ya." he turned around and I heard him kind of scream in his mouth. I giggled a little.

I found Resses kind of sleeping on the grass which I think it is time for us to go in. I pick him up, along with his toys and went inside.

I walked upstairs and in my room. I placed him on his bed and he adjusts his position which is super cute.

I checked what time it is and it was 8:35 which I realized how long was were we outside. But anyways I changed into my pajamas and went under the bed sheets and fell asleep.

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