Chapter 3: First Day Jitters

Start from the beginning

I flinched as I felt Douglas' hands close over my arm as he jabbed a needle into my arm. "W-what *winces* is that!?" I asked as he began to inject a strange liquid into my arm. Within a few minutes, I could feel the serum stiffening my bones and joints, making it impossible for me to move even the tiniest bit!

"Just something to make you more easier to manage!" Douglas smirked as Damien reappeared. "Let's begin then..."
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Memory Ends ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

"Nikki!? Nikita, wake up!" I gasped sharply as I woke up to Patricia shaking me. I was covered in sweat, my body shaking and my breathing was sharp and shallow. It was an understatement to say that that particular memory terrified me to my very core, it scared me to death! But why was I having it now!? "Nikki, a-are you alright? You were whimpering in your sleep!" Patricia explained to me as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"O-oh right thanks..." I began sighing heavily with relief as I flopped back on my pillow.

"Are you alright?" She asked me concerned.

"Er yeah fine, it was just a silly night.are that's all!" I smiled at her reassuringly. It was nice to know that she cared about me. It reminded me of some of my old friends back in Australia.

"Alright, well you need to get dressed, breakfast will be ready soon!" Patricia explained, rising from the bed and making her way over to her side of the room.

Once inside the bathroom, I was able to splash my face with some cold water, hoping to wash away the memory. Unfortunately, when I looked in the mirror since half of my mind was still asleep, I thought I seen Damien's face! I almost smashed the mirror with an inflamed fist! God that horrid memory had really gotten to me! I thought to myself. I had thought that I had managed to block it out, but obviously I hadn't been successful! Sighing to myself, I decided to push the memory to the back of my mind and go have a quick, warm, relaxing shower before getting ready since I didn't want to be late for my first day at my new school! I mean it wasn't like he was anywhere near me! He was still in Australia! Right?

Patricia's P.O.V.
I bit my lip as I watched Nikki hurry to the bathroom. I had noticed all of these weird scars and marks all over her arms whenever I had woken her up. Some of the marks looked like burn marks, others looked like they had been made with a knife or some other sharp object. At first, I thought maybe she had done them to herself, however when I looked closer I noticed that some of the burns and other marks made words such as 'Freak', 'Slut', 'Unwanted', 'Worthless', 'Labrat' and one that I found strange was 'Witch'. There was no way Nikki would scar any of those words into her own arms. But then if it wasn't who...then who was it!? Maybe there is more to her leaving Australia than she is telling us! Maybe whoever hurt her is the reason she left! I thought to myself. However, I would never ask, I didn't want to pry.

"Patricia, are you okay?" Nina's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as her and Amber passed my room.

"Huh? Oh yeah! I'm fine, I was just thinking!" I laughed awkwardly, shaking my head as I grabbed my school bag.

"Is Nikki okay? You know after last night?" Amber asked

I smiled. "Oh yeah, she seems used to that sort of thing, she's actually in the bathroom getting ready so I told her that I'd save her a seat." I explained to them, walking out of the dorm to join them in the hallway.

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