Goodbye Aunt Belle-Chapter 14

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A sunny Sunday morning when she wakes up and she look at the man sleeping at her side and then the bright ring in her finger. She can't believed that everything went so fast. It's been almost six months that they've been together and for almost a month that Kilain started to slept at their house to watched Belle. She was just going out to bed when she heard Kilain gave a moan and then opened his eyes.
" Good morning my love." She kissed him and brushed a hair away from his forehead.
" Morning my love." He too gave her a kissed on the lips.Lets not get up yet. I still feel lazy to went out in bed. Lets just lay down for a moment. " Shall we?" Teasing her by kissing and licking her ears.
She was just about to gave him a big hug when they heard a knock on the door. The knocking was accompanied with a loud voice and a cry.
" Marla, Kilain! . I'm sorry to wake you up but I think it's mother. She's gone now... Anns voice was full of loneliness and sob.
To their, surprised Marla jump up out of bed and so is Kilain. He then hurriedly get his medicine bag and run into Belles room. Marla went to comfort Ann she too is crying now.They went near to Belles bedside and then Kilain took her pulse. He then check Belles eyes and noticed that shes really gone now. After checking the pules again he look up to Marl and Ann and shake his head. With that the two young lady burst into tears. They really cry hard . To them Belles was a great lost. Kilain too feel the pain in his heart. Like them he too learn to love Belle as her mother. Walking towards them he gave them both a hug.
The funeral service arrieved after a few minutes and they brought Belles body to the funeral parlor.It takes them almost 3 hours to prepare Belles body and they didnt even eat since that morning.Kilain bought them foods and drinks.
" Here Marla take this and eat. You haven't eaten a single food since this morning.". He offered her the food.
Marla at first didn't accept it. But Kilain keep on begging him so she was forced to eat a little bit because her stomach is looking for it also.
"Thank you.Where's Ann? She haven't eaten also." She asked tearfully.
" She's over there. She's also eating the food I gave her.". He look at her direction.
" I know Ann is a brave woman. She can handle it this time.If it worries you as to where she'll stay. She can stay with us." He helped Marla in opening the bottle of water.
" Really?, I'm sure Ann would be very glad. You know I can't leave her alone. I promised Aunt Belle to took care of her." Marla was happy.
After everything was okey. Kilain went to the hospital to ask permission to take a days off from work. After that he returned to the funeral and helped the two woman.
Ann and Marla was busy entertaining the visitors who come and go. They were glad that Aunt Belle had a great numbers of friends and that many of them love her so much.
The day came when Aunt Belle was to be buried. Each of them were given a chance to share a short message for the late old woman. When it was Marlas turn she couldn't continue her speech because she can't bear the pain of losing her aunt.

Several days passed by and still they can't get over with the woman who care for them unconditionally. Kilain too was back to his normal routine again and he slept at their  house most of the time. Their relationship grows deeper everyday and she is so happy with it. Ann is now starting to go out with his friends just to avoid loneliness at home. She's back to work also and Marl leave her  so to enjoy her life.
Everything was back to normal now except for herself. She had noticed that her body is changing a lot. She sometimes feel dizzy and fatigue most of the time. Even when she just wake up in bed  she feel the dizzyness. And sometimes she only likes to sleep all day.
" Oh, my God! It's been three months that I haven't got my periods." She was feeling nervous.
" This can't I'm not pregnant, am I? "She's asking herself.
Hurriedly she change her cloths and went to the hospital. She didn't told Kilain about it yet for she's not sure of it.She waited patiently at the lobby outside the lab sitting on the bench provided for the patients to wait for their results. She almost fall asleep when the nurse called her name and ask her to get inside.

The laboratory room was so cold and she feel her skin shiver a little.. She can't explain what she felt at that moment. It seems that something is not okey. But she pushed away the negative thoughts and sitted herself infront of the doctor.
" I'm Marla Aston. I believed you're looking for me.". She told the doctor calmly.
"Ah, yes Miss Aston there's something I want you to know about your health basing on your lab test results today."
" Why? Is there something wrong with my results?.Nerveously she asked.
" There's something you need to know. As I look at your blood test results and from what you have shared to the ER about your symptoms basing from your chart you have severe anemia Miss Aston." Frankly the doctor told her.
Hearing those comments she hold tightly at the edge of the table in front of her. Blinking her eyes and her mounth form an O from shocked.
" No not me!. This is not true." She's shaking her head as if to wake up from what she considered a dream. But it's the truth. And it hurts.
" I'm sorry Miss Aston but don't worry because we will give you medicines so that you will not feel fatigue and dizzyness more often." The doctor replied.
But why and how? She's careful on everything she ate. She even do exercises everyday. No this should not be. I'm not married yet. I still have to enjoy my life with Kilain.---Kilain! She won't tell him about her health right now. Not now!
She won't tell anything that would make him sad again. She wants him to enjoy every bit of their moment together.
" I can't let him know. Never!." She shouted as she sits herself outside the bench on the park.
From that moment when she went out from the hospital she just take a walk without knowing her direction until she sees the bench and sitted herself. On that day she felt as if a strong lightning had struck on her for she really felt the pain. Thus wishing the land would open up and eat her.

She buy all the medicines the doctor had prescrived on her and secretly tucked it inside a little compartment on her car and she get some of it and put it inside her bag for daily used. Then she drove home.

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