Chapter 26: This is Just the Beginning

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Tasha looked out over the sea of rebel soldiers, all staring intently up at her. well, not only her. her and Han and Luke.

The trio that had somehow destroyed the empire's super weapon.

She cast her green eyes down to the medal that hung harmlessly around her neck, the ribbon anchoring it to her neck, and it felt like it weighed about as much as an anchor, a dead weight of all the life lost hanging around her neck.

We should be celebrating them, she thought, their sacrifice, not our dumb luck. She forced the smile onto her face, having to keep up the pretence now.

Who knows when she's going to be filmed, her image spat out to thousands of star systems in the hopes of inspiring some more soldiers into joining their seemingly futile effort. She was sure any cameras could pick up her hesitation, her almost non-existent smile, and the flash of realisation as a seemingly unconnected thought passed through her brain.

This is only the beginning.

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