Chapter 12: I Can't Lie

Start from the beginning

He’d grimaced at her in distaste as he’d interrupted her mid-sentence. “If I say OK, can we stop talking about this?”

She’d let the subject drop, and he’d signed the documents without further comment.

For the sake of all womankind, Adam. That’s what she had told him. Those were her wishes. She was stuck here in this prison inside her head now, but there was no reason he needed to be. Maybe he still had a chance at happiness.


Now the bitter chill of the winter
Still blows through me like a plague,
Only to wake up with an empty bed
On a perfect summer day.


It was only a matter of time before he would break down and find someone else to fill his bed. She knew her husband well enough. He couldn’t survive without someone to keep him warm at night. Honestly, it was a testament to his love for her that he’d held out this long. At least Adele loved this woman. That’s what he had said. It would be the best thing for Adele if he remarried.

Her line of thought brought back the familiar tug of longing for the little girl whose childhood she was missing. If only Adam would bring Adele here – at least she would be able to hear her daughter’s voice. She knew he wouldn’t do it though. He’d brought the baby a few times when she was a newborn, but he’d stopped once Adele was old enough to understand. It would be too hard on her, Adam had explained. Too hard for a child to see her mother like this. When she was older, he’d tell her the truth and bring her to visit. For now, he was telling Adele that her mother was away on a trip. 


I can't lie, you're on my mind…


He could lie to his daughter easily enough, but she was his wife. She knew him better than anyone. He couldn’t hide the truth from her. It tore at Jane’s heart to think of her child in another woman’s arms, but she had to find the strength to accept it. It was for the best if Adam and Adele both fell in love with this nanny – if they found someone who could plug the gaping hole she’d left in both their lives.


My world just feels so cold,
And you find yourself
Walking down the wrong side of the road.


Jane listened to the song lyrics and couldn’t deny the chill of fear that washed over her. As cold and empty as this existence of hers was now, at least the sun still came out for a little while when Adam came for his visits. But what would happen to her if he remarried?  Just how much cold could she endure if he fell in love and went away, and left her all alone in one long, never-ending night?


Adam reached for the truck’s dashboard and switched off the radio in annoyance. This is what he got for moving out to the middle of nowhere. One shitty radio station with a DJ who seemed to play the same creepy ‘80s song on repeat all day long.

And I find it kind of funny.
I find it kind of sad.
The dreams in which I'm dyin'
Are the best I've ever had.

I find it hard to tell you
'Cause I find it hard to take.
When people run in circles,
It's a very, very…

He glanced at the girl sitting in the passenger seat beside him, but she wasn’t paying attention. She had her neck craned around, watching as the buildings of the old mental hospital receded into the distance.

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