Part II : I want to stay with you

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"Only one more week left here in Lyrias, Obi" Shirayuki said.
"You excited to see the master, miss." Obi said, and Shirayuki started to blush.
"and Mitsuhide, and Kiki too." Shirayuki added. Shirayuki and Obi started to head back to their bedrooms since it was getting late.
"Shirayuki, Shirayuki!" She turned around to see Yuzuri running down the hall towards her and obi.
"What is it Yuzuri?" Shirayuki asked.
"We just got word that prince Zen in on his way here and will arrive tomorrow." Both Obi and Shirayuki were shocked.
" Why is he coming here?" Shirayuki asked Yuzari.
She responded "He said he had some important business to take care off. Well I have to go get back to work, so bye." Yuzari ran off in the opposite direction.
"I wonder why Zen is coming here? Well this is where we part ways, goodnight Obi." Shirayuki said.
"You make it sound like well never see each other again, miss." Obi said with a chuckle and walked off.

The Next Day

Shirayuki woke up with a smile on her face. "It's been at least a year since I last saw Zen, I wonder how he's change." She said to herself. "if he even has changed at all." She added with a giggle. She got up and went to put on all the layers of clothing she wore in Lyrias, since it was winter year round. When she put her jacket on she remembered Zen's pocket watch she put in her jacket's pocket. She kept it with her at all times, but forgot to take it out of the pocket last night. She grabbed her bag and exited her room, to her surprise, Obi was waiting right outside of her room.
"Why good morning, miss" Obi said with a grin forming on his. "Zen should get in at about noon. Would you like to go wait for him at the check point since you are off today?"
Shirayuki stared as thoughts raced through her mind. "Of course" She finally said. Shirayuki followed Obi over to the horses. She was finally able to ride by herself, but she decided to ride with Obi since it would be easier.
"Hold on tight miss." Obi said as he helped on the horse. Shirayuki looked like she was getting weaker for some unknown reason. Obi asked "Are you all right miss, you don't look so good."
Shirayuki just responded with a simple "I'm fine, don't worry." Obi just decided to go with it. He knew Zen would get mad if he let her go, but he also knew Shirayuki would be mad if he didn't let her go. They went anyways. Shirayuki was sitting in the front as Obi had his hands around her to hold the reigns. He felt her forehead and it felt cold but he just assumed it was because of the harsh winter weather. Obi felt Shirayuki was breathing really heavily and was worried.
"Shirayuki!" Obi called out. There was no answer. He look at the girl sitting in from of him and she was passed out cold. Obi decided it was best to bring her back to her room and go get the master when he arrives.
Obi rested Shirayuki's head on her pillow and then he left out of the room. Obi was on his way to the checkpoint to meet up with Zen.

Later That Day

Shirayuki woke up and looked outside the widow and it looked dark out like it was in the middle of the night. Her head felt dizzy and was burning up. She looked across from her bed and saw Kiki and Mitsuhide passed out on the bench. Then she looked down next to her only to see Zen was sitting in a chair next to the bed sleeping with his head resting on the bed. She didn't know what to feel, happy that she finally got to see him again, or embarrassed that after a whole year of not seeing each other he finds he passed out sick in her bed.

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