Chapter 2

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Ritsu p.o.v. 

"Who am I? I'm Karma Akabane, an assassin and a friend of Usami." 

I did not know that Usami had many friends. 

"Akihiko, I thought you told me that you didn't have any friends." 

"Who said I didn't have any assassin friends?" He said. 

I introduce myself, and we shake hands. After coming up with a good plan, we depart for the day, and Misaki and Akihiko disappear into the bedroom. Half of me wanted to find out what they were doing while the other half said don't bother. Karma left and was going to turn up with some friends tomorrow. I climb up the stairs and walk to the empty bedroom. As I open the door, a person was sitting on the window sill. 

"Did Karma come by?" 

"Yeah, why do you want to know?" I ask. 

"Oh, for no reason. You know I don't like him." 

He left by leaping out of the window. I look out the window for a shadow, but there was not one. I close the window and walk to the comfy looking bed. I lie on it for three minutes, and then I fall asleep. 


The next day, I wake up to the smell of breakfast. Misaki said good morning, and I reply good morning back to him. I ask him where Akihito is, and he said, "Still in bed. Don't wake him up." I help Misaki set the table, and as I finish setting the table, Akabane came crashing in loudly. Misaki freaks out and scolds Akabane for being to noisy. Karma shrugs his shoulders and sits down for breakfast. As we are eating, Akihito walks down glumly and sits down at the table. I ask Akabane about his friends that were going to arrive. He said they were going to arrive shortly. I hear the door bell ring, and I excuse myself to answer the door. I open the door, and some men dressed in black come rushing in. I jump backwards and start to fight them off. I shout to Akabane for help, and he pulls out a knife. He was quick and sliced most of the men. Blood drips on the floor, and Misaki screams. I told Akihito to take Misaki somewhere safe. He nods and grabs Misaki like a sack of potatoes. I grab a knife from the kitchen and start slashing the men. Then they suddenly stop. A big muscly guy appears from behind and starts laughing. I knew this guy. He was one of Mark Turner's best guys. 

"What do you want? Tell him that I'm not coming back."

"That, I can't do. I have been told to give you two options. One, to surrender and come back quietly, or two, to prepare to die and all of those around you." 

His men pull out machine guns and point them at Akabane and me. 

"So, what is your choice?"

I start to sweat and freeze up. I know that everyone could die if I make the wrong choice, but if I do not choose everyone will die also. Akabane saw that I was frozen and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Leave everything to me." He whispers quietly. 

He puts his hand to his ear and says any time now is good. A group of teenagers come crashing in through the windows and tackle the men with machine guns. Henry, the big muscly guy, turns in circles and sees his men all defeated. Henry explodes with rage and comes running toward Akabane and me. Akabane goes in front of me and gets into a defense position. I shout no, but Henry is easily defeated by Akabane. I was surprised by how powerful Akabane was to Henry. Akabane smiles at me and walks to his friends. I shout to Akihito to come out. I try to comfort Misaki and get him a cup of warm water. Then all of us clean up the mess that was created. Akabane introduces his friends to me. 

"Well, this is Yukine, Natsume, Misako, Idel, and Saruhiko." He said from right to left. 

"Hi, I'm Ritsu Onodera, and you might have heard of me as Death. I was an assassin." 

Yukine, the short, blonde boy, looks at me from head to toe and snorts. I say, "Why'd you do that?" 

He replies, "You sure you're an assassin? You look like a businessman than an assassin." 

I explode with rage and try to tackle him, but the brown haired boy who was as tall as me steps in between the two of us and says, "Calm down. Yukine, don't be rude." 

Yukine rolls his eyes and walks away. The brown haired kid looks at me and apologizes for his friend's manners. I apologize as well and talk to him. The brown haired kid, Misako, who looks almost like Misaki tells me he was a field agent. He talks about Yukine who was a field agent as well. Natsume and Idel walk over to me and tell me what they work as, as well. They were both snipers and work well with machinery. Saruhiko looks at my plan and says it will work as long as there was enough people. I go over the plan and find out that we were missing one more person. We needed one more field agent. As we think of one more person, I pull out my phone and go over the contacts list and see a familiar number. I dial the number and wait for the person to pick up. 

"Hello, who is it?"

"It's Ritsu, are you busy?"

"No, in fact, I'm free right now. Is there something you need?" 

"Yeah, can you be a field agent for my plan? I plan on taking M.T down for good." 

"Sure. I do have a grudge against him. Where are you?"

"Still haven't left the building. You know the one with the condo." 

"Okay, I shall come quickly." 


"No problem." 

I put down the phone and tell everyone that I found our last person. They ask who it was, but I told them it was a secret. Few minutes later, the door bell rings, and I go answer it. He walks in and sees Karma. 

"Why are you here?" 


Author's Note:

I want to apologize for taking so long on this chapter. The characters are mostly from different anime/manga and do not belong to me. 

Karma Akabane - Assassination classroom 

Natsume - borrow from Natsume Yuujinchou 

Idel - borrow from a manga (Kiss of the rose princess)

Yukine - Noragami

Saruhiko - My own personal character 

Misako - My own personal character 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you later! 

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