Chapter 2: Broken Again!

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Cody got up and helped Bailey to stand.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"I'm fine. Sounds like the ship has stopped." Bailey said."We should go and find out what is going on." Cody said.

The two packed up the picnic supplies and headed through the sky deck to the juice bar. Cody was shocked to see Zack sat on a deck chair, people around him.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Zack fell down when the ship stopped and twisted his ankle." Woody said. Cody watched as the nurse was putting a bandage around his brother's ankle. Zack winced as the pain got worse.

"You okay Zack?" Cody asked.

"Just fine." Zack said.

"What happened?" London asked.

"Is something wrong with the ship.......again?" Bailey asked.

"It sounded like it.............let's ask Mr Moseby." Cody said as he noticed Mr Moseby walking through the deck.

"Zack, what happened?" He asked as he saw the youngster being seen to by the nurse.

"Sprained ankle, he needs to stay off it as much as possible." The nurse said. "I'll be back with some crutches." She got up and headed off.

"Mr Moseby what's going on?" Cody asked.

"Not too sure but we think one of the boilers has broken down, we may need to dock somewhere in Europe to get it fixed. The ship won't last that long if it's not fixed."

"When will we know?" Zack asked.

"I have sent some people to have a look at it, we will know soon." Moseby said. The nurse returned with the crutches and handed them to Zack.

"Great, sure I am going to attract the ladies with these." He said.

"You will get the sympathy vote from them instead." Cody pointed out.

"Even better." Zack said with a smile on his face.

"This doesn't mean you get out of studying." Miss Tuttweiler said as she approached the group. "It means you get more time as you won't be out partying all the time."

"Don't worry, we will utilise this opportunity." Cody said.

"Speak for yourself." Zack said. Moseby's phone rang and he turned away from the group.

"Okay.......okay I understand. Thanks." He was saying. He looked to the group. "Well there is some major mechanical issues going on, seems we are going to have to dock in Europe somewhere for repairs." He said.

"Really, I love Europe." Bailey said.

"Well let's just hope we can get the ship fixed and ready to sail." Moseby said.


As the ship glided slowly into the port at Southampton in England, the teens stood on the deck looking at the scene around them.

The ship had set sail to the nearest port where the repairs could take place.

This was exciting for the students and passengers and they were all gathered on the decks watching as they docked.

"You know, this where the Titanic sailed from." Cody pointed out.

"Just what we needed to know Cody. The place where a ship, that sunk, sailed from." Zack said.

"But it's interesting, intriguing." Cody said.

"Yeah to a nerd..........oh right, you are one." Zack said.

"So what exactly are we going to do while the ship is getting repaired." Woody asked.

"I know where I will be, shopping at Bloomingdales." London said. The others looked at her.

"There is no Bloomingdales in England, London." Bailey pointed out. London screamed in shock and sat down."But I need to shop, my outfits are like 2 days old now." London said.

"I feel for you London." Bailey joked.

"I bet there are some wonderful museums nearby with Titanic related artefacts." Cody said.

"Or we could visit the actual dock it left from." Bailey added.

"Or we can find the nearest McDonalds and chow down see if the British McD is the same as back home." Zack said.

"Glad to see you are branching out on the places you visit." Cody said to his brother.

"I like to explore." Zack replied. They watched as Miss Tuttweiler approached them.

"So Mr Moesby has agreed to some field trips around the town. A chance to learn about the town and its wonderful history."

"Do we have to?" Zack asked.

"And what would you prefer to do Zack?" Miss Tuttweiler said.

"I can choose, cool."

"That is not what I meant." She replied.

"So where are these field trips?" Bailey asked.

"Well we have a trip to a museum, A castle or a recently discovered old saxon settlement." Miss Tuttweiler said.

"Isn't there any other choice?" London asked.

"No London." Miss Tuttweiler said. "Once you have decided on the trip sign up at the sheets by the juice bar. We leave in an hour."

"This is going to be so cool." Cody said.

"Geek." Zack laughed.

After a lot of deliberation the group of friends had decided to accompany Mr Moseby on a trip to the castle. London had become excited that she would be visiting a real castle, while Zack was more interested in what food they might serve. They signed up and got themselves ready to meet Mr Moseby on the sky deck.

Cody had returned to his room to collect some items and had helped Zack return to his for his belongings.

Cody soon collected together what he needed and joined his brother. Zack laughed when he noticed Cody was carrying a rather large and heavy bag.

"What have you got in there, the kitchen sink?" Zack asked.

"It wouldn't fit. No I have only packed the essentials." Cody said.

"We are going for a day excursion not a 2 week vacation Cody."

"I know that. I have only packed another jumper, a camera, my wallet, first aid kit, a hat, an insect bite kit......"

"A what? This is Britain not the Caribbean its more likely to rain here then anything." Zack pointed out.

"Still best to be prepared."

"Well if the world comes to an end, I will come to you for an extra jumper." Zack said."See you make fun of me but one day all this stuff will be needed and everyone will be glad I brought it along."

"And on that day you will actually beat me at basketball. Now come on. I rather be looking at some boring castle walls then finding out what else you have in that bag."

The brothers headed to the deck and were surprised to see a small group surrounding Mr Moseby. They seemed to be upset about something and were trying to talk to Mr Moseby.

"But that isn't fair Mr Moseby." Bailey said.

"What isn't fair?" Cody asked as they approached the group.

"Mr Moseby, you tell them." Bailey said as she crossed her arms and looked madly at the gentleman.

"I am sorry boys, but Zack can't come with us."

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