"So, go mingle." I chuckled.

"You shouldn't be the one talking, I don't see you with a boyfriend either." He smirked.

"Yeah, well I guess I'm not fully over the last one." I sighed swishing the coffee around in the mug.

"And who would that guy be? Some fancy business dude in New York?"

"Cody." I said barley above a whisper.

Kelby was silent for a moment.

"That was like a year ago wasn't it?"

"Two actually."

He let out a loud whistle.

"That's true love there."

"Except for its only half. I'm still in love with Cody Clarke but he is in love with Mollie Carter."

"I see." He said quietly grabbing plates and dishing up some scrambled eggs and bacon.

He took a seat beside me and we started to eat. Kelby was a damn good cook too.

"Why are you such an amazing cook!" I cried after getting myself thirds.

"It's just eggs from the local grocery store and frozen bacon." He chuckled. "Nothing fancy."

"It's so good, you can cook for me anytime." I laughed.

He smiled at that and continued eating. Once we where finished he offered to drive me home since I didn't have a way back really. The ride was about 20 minutes and there was never a dull moment. I felt like I could tell Kelby anything, and it felt good to do so.

"Thank you, again." I smiled up at him as I closed the door to his truck.

He gave me a wave before backing out and driving back. I walked up to Tate's house and crossed my fingers that I could just sneak by but of course I couldn't.

"Why?" Tate asked from behind me.

I turned around to see Cody and his she devil, along with Courtney.

"Why did I go have a little fun? Because I deserved it. Why did I hang out with Kelby all night? Because he was there and wanted to hang out with me. Why did I get drunk? I don't know why does anyone ever go get drunk."

Tate pressed his lips together.

"So your going for Kelby Ford now." Cody scoffed.

I turned my attention to him and was about to go off at him when Tate snapped at him.

"Shut the hell up Cody." Tate hissed back at him before looking back at me.

Clearly he understood why I had done the things I did and let me go, without another word. Which I thanked because I needed a shower badly. But right as I stepped foot int my room my phone went off.

"I just sent you and email of our July magazine we need to hurry though it's kind of late it being July already." Maddison rambled on from the other side.

I sighed grabbing my laptop and starting it up.

"I'm sure it's fine, go ahead and get it printing I know it's so far behind so let's get it out now and working on August." I said hanging up as I scanned my mouse over all my unopened emails.

Clicking on the one from Maddison. The front page looked great. A picture of Courtney and Tate together. They looked truly happy. Tate looked truly happy with her. The photographer was amazing because to me she captured the way Tate and Courtney loved each other. How Tate looks down at Courtney with that goofy grin of his. And Courtney with he clam and collected expression. It's her eyes that sparkle and dance with amusement. And maybe it was just because I was there and watched them be together but I could tell Tate and Courtney were not like Derek and Navy.

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