Chapter 12- Capture it, Remember it

Start from the beginning

A smile stretched across Karlie's face as she remembered the exchange: Taylor's pleading, the way her eyes sparkled an even brighter shade of blue when she smiled, her infectious little laugh- she was too cute. She couldn't wait to see her. Snapping out of her daydream, Karlie made her way over to the airline desk to check in. No way could she afford to miss this flight.

Taylor was still working at the studio when her phone vibrated on the desk beside her. Looking up from her work, she saw that the screen read that she had a text from Karlie. Her stomach did a flip with excitement as she eagerly snatched it up off the table to read the message:

I'm on the plane! See you soon sweetie x

She called me 'sweetie.' Taylor's heart melted at the sight of it. Karlie had called her 'sweetie,' her. She replied straight away:

I can't wait to see you babe x

A few hours later, Taylor was back at her apartment, pacing up and down her bedroom impatiently. Karlie should have landed by now, so why hadn't she texted? Where was she? What if something had happened? What if the plane crashed? She started panicking, going over all the possible horrific scenarios that could have occurred. No, come on Taylor, don't be ridiculous, she's more than likely getting settled in at her Great Aunt's house, she'll message you when she can, Taylor tried reasoning with herself. She'd spent so long anticipating Karlie's arrival, so long not being in her company, she just needed to be with her now. She wanted to be in her arms, the feeling of comfort being wrapped in her warmth and her familiar scent. She wanted to hear the voice she could never get tired of hearing, murmuring in her ear, telling her how much she'd missed her.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
"Miss Swift?"
Recognising the voice as one of her bodyguards, she swiftly headed over to the door and opened it. "Is everything okay?" She asked the bodyguard standing at the doorway in front of her.
"There's someone downstairs who wants to see you."
Confused by the vagueness of her guard's words, and intrigued by who her unexpected visitor might be, Taylor simply followed him down the stairs. The guard opened the outside door to a parked car in the driveway which wasn't one of Taylor's. Leaning against the passenger door, with her arms folded across her chest, was none other than Karlie Kloss.
"Hey sweetie." She winked, grinning widely the whole time. Taylor noticed she was wearing tight skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket on top. She looked good. Really good.
Taylor could do nothing just then but stare at her in shock. She was speechless. This was not what she had been expecting when she came downstairs.
"Told you I'd pick you up, didn't I?" Karlie laughed at Taylor's astonished reaction.
"I don't understand," Taylor finally managed to say. "When did you get here? To Nashville I mean?"
"About an hour ago. I dropped my bags off at my Great Aunt's, got the things I needed and drove straight here," the model explained nonchalantly.
"Well, you could have let me know that you'd landed, Karlie." Taylor shook her head at the model, pretending to be annoyed.
"But that would have ruined the element of surprise!" she protested, putting on a mock pouting face
"You forget that I'm still completely clueless to where you're taking me on this date. So, where are we going?"
"Ah, the surprise isn't over yet," Karlie chuckled mischievously. "You'll find out all in good time. But first, come here." She spread her arms out, gesturing for an embrace. "I've missed you."
Karlie's words broke a smile out on Taylor's face, and she strode over towards the taller woman, and threw herself into her arms.
"I've missed you too," she whispered into her ear, clingy tightly to her as if she'd never let go.
"That's the answer I wanted to hear," Karlie whispered back, clinging just as tightly on to her.

The next thing Taylor knew, they were in the car on the way to the secret destination. If Karlie was anything, she was extremely stubborn; as much as Taylor begged her to tell her where she was being taken, she would simply shake her head, lips tightly pressed together, focused entirely on the road ahead, with her hands gripping the steering wheel. She wouldn't even glance at Taylor, which Taylor suspected might be because if she did, she might just give in with one look of the singer's pleading expression. Eventually Taylor gave up, and allowed the rest of the journey to continue in relative silence. She took to staring out of the window instead. Nashville looked even more beautiful today in the sunshine. The way the sunlight glistened over the hills they passed by in the distance, coating them in a seamless gold. She thought about how happy she felt in this moment, appreciating this scenery with Karlie sat right by her side. She turned back to look at her, still concentrating on the driving, totally unaware of Taylor's gaze. Taylor smiled; right here, right now, she had the perfect view all around her.

"Okay, we're almost there," Karlie finally spoke. Taylor looked around, a frown forming on her face. They were in the middle of nowhere; there was nothing but trees and hills around them. This wasn't an area of Nashville she recognised.
"Karlie, I don't understand, there's nothing here" she said aloud. Karlie's mouth curled into a small, smug smile. She was loving confusing Taylor a little too much now.
"You'll see soon," was all she would say.
She parked the car a little way into an unfamiliar forest.
"Karlie, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little freaked out now." Taylor felt uneasy; she had no idea where they were, and did she really know Karlie's nature as well as she thought she did? What had she gotten herself into?
"Taylor, relax, I'm not going to hurt you, or take you somewhere dangerous! Come on, trust me." Karlie reassured her, opening the door and clambering out into the open. But Taylor stayed sitting. She really didn't like this. She didn't like not knowing where she was. Karlie opened her door, and so reluctantly she got out.
"One second, I need to get something out of the boot," Karlie said, walking over to the back of the car.
Oh no, what did she have in there?
She watched as Karlie pulled out a large basket.
"Karlie, what's in there?" She asked, a worried look shadowing her face.
"Okay, stop looking so panicked, I'll tell you what we're doing now." Karlie gave her an encouraging smile as she shut the boot and walked over to Taylor with the basket in hand.
"Basically, I just thought it would be a nice idea to walk up to the top of this hill over at the top of the woods," she pointed over Taylor's head. "I packed us a picnic in here" she continued, shaking the basket at Taylor. "And I thought we could have the picnic at the top of the hill and watch the sun set."
"Oh," was all Taylor could think to say. She felt silly now; Karlie had just wanted to do something special for her and she'd overreacted for no reason.
"Don't worry." Karlie reached out with her free hand to stroke it up and down Taylor's arm gently. "I just wanted it to be a nice surprise, I didn't want to freak you out.
"I'm sorry." Taylor said sheepishly, taking Karlie's arm in her hand, before letting it drop back to Karlie's side. She felt so guilty now, looking at the model's apprehensive expression. "I guess I just get a bit paranoid sometimes. I'm not great with trust."
"You don't need to explain, I understand," Karlie flashed her a small smile.
"Just for the record, this is a lovely idea Karls," she said softly. She was honestly
touched by the sentiment; no one had ever put so much thought into a date with her like this before.
"Well thank you, I did actually think about it," Karlie winked, grinning at Taylor. "I honestly thought it was fool proof; I didn't think it could almost backfire on me!"
"I guess I've got to keep you on your toes," Taylor teased.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this then?" Karlie was suddenly serious, the concern on her face evident as she looked at Taylor.
"Yes, yes, definitely," Taylor quickly assured her. "You did drive all this way after all," she added with a smile.
"I suppose that's true. Come on then," Karlie held out her hand for Taylor to take in her own.
"Let's go, before we miss the sunset."

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