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Waking up in the morning, Alec decided to go check on the girls, he knew Artemis had had a rough couple of days, but he wanted to train with her and see what she could do. When Alec walked into Izzy's room, he smiled. The three girls were still in the same position they were last night, Artemis was in the middle while Izzy was on her left and Clary on her right. They were all curled up together to let the snoring Artemis sleep better. Alec watched the girls and wondered how they could all form a bond so strong together in such little time. Alec watched as Artemis shifted and fell back asleep. She had rolled on her side and accidently wrapped her arms around Izzy like she was a stuffed teddy bear. Alec laughed a little at this and watched as Izzy woke up with a confused look on her face. Izzy didn't know what to think when she woke up to being almost smothered to death. She turned her head a little bit to see her brother laughing quietly to himself. "Oh hush, you just wish it was you she was cuddling with instead of me," Izzy smirked at her brother as his cheeks turned a bright red. "Shut up Iz, nobody asked for your input," Alec piped back to his sister. "Will you wake them up, I want to train with Art today and try to help her fight," and with that final word, Alec walked out of the room to give his sister and the girls some space to do their girly routine.

When Alec left, Izzy reluctantly woke the other girls up. After they all changed, Artemis went down to train with Alec. "I hear you want to get your ass handed too you Lightwood", Artemis taunted a very shirtless Alec. Once she noticed, her smirk became a blush and Alec saw a reason to tease the petite beauty in front of him. "Like what you see Artemis?" He said. When Art blushed even more his smile turned into a huge Cheshire grin. "Oh shut up and let's go," Artemis said with a flip of hair. She picked up her bow and the fight was on.

With a heavy sigh Alec looked up at Art,"Alright, you win. I'm tired." "Alec, I'm sorry I kicked you down there, I wasn't thinking I was reacting," Artemis told the boy with a giggle escaping. Poor Alec laid on the ground, rolling around trying to avoid the discomfort. Izzy watched on with a smile on her face. Artemis could really hold her own and instead of Alec trying to teach her, Art was teaching Alec. "Poor brother, while you deal with that, I'm taking Art to get dressed for our party tonight," Izzy told her brother, who was still on the floor. "Wait what party? Izzy! Where are you going!?"

"So, Izzy what kind of party is this?" Artemis asked as they were walking to Izzy's room. "A warlock who took Clary's memories, we are going to a party because he loves to party," Izzy told her with a smile. As the girls walked mdown the hallway, Jace came and dropped Clary off so the three girls could get ready together. The girls were sitting all around as Izzy picked out dresses for the girls. "So, Art, I'm thinking little black dress. Backless and short it will do wonders for those awesome legs," Izzy told the girl as she brought the dress out. "Um Izzy I can't wear a backless dress, it won't look good," Artemis said sadly. "Art! You're body is amazing! You can totally pull it off just try it on," Izzy urged the petite girl to try it on. As Artemis goes to change with her head down, Clary tries to interrupt but can't get a word in. She knew the reason Art didn't want to change into that dress. As she came out, Art had her head down with tears in her eyes. Izzy' heart broke at the sight of the girl. Artemis had a hard life, she had scars on her arms and back to prove it. "O Art, I'm sorry I didn't know," Izzy told the girl as she ran to give her hug. "You shouldn't be ashamed of these scars, they show that you are a warrior and that you've been through hell but came out victorious. You are beautiful Artemis, just like a goddess and you've got battle scars from being a strong warrior and you are nothing short but amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise," Izzy told the girl with such conviction in her voice Artemis gave her a grateful smile. The three girls hugged each other tight and Izzy gave Art a dress that would make her look amazing for Alec.

this is Artemis final dress for the evening

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this is Artemis final dress for the evening. Just imagine the skirt not being see through

I'm so sorry that it's been so long. I've been super busy with school and a two year relationship. We actually just broke up and I felt the need to write. It sucks and I'm sad cause he was my best friend, but we ended on good terms and we are going to take it slow with the friends part. I thought he was the one, and right now I hope he still is but we both aren't on the same page right now. I'll probably be writing more because having Artemis to write about helps and knowing that I have you guys wanting to read my story helps me too. Thank you so much for reading my story and sticking with it. I'm so sorry it's taken forever but I am determine to write this story and my Bellamy Blake story because he is bae. Thanks guys as always I love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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