All Wrapped Up(BOYXBOY) A Christmas One-Shot

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From Justin: Alright, I'm not gonna lie. Rachel was really down and had me write this for her as so not to keep you waiting. Hope you still enjoy it.


*Christmas Night* 

*Presents Under The Tree Have Yet To Been Opened*

I've always been terrible with gift ideas. This year though, I had been absolutely positive about what I was giving Fallon. He and I had been dating for 3 years, and we were extremely in love. I'd given my whole life to him, my everything. Except for one thing. Which he would get tonight. And so I stood next to a huge box of ribbon from my mothers closet. She was huge on wrapping, it was like her hobbie. She was so good, some people pay money for her to wrap all her gifts. And if she new that I had this box, She'd be pissed. But my family and Fallon's had "won" a trip to Hawaii and they were going to be there until January 5th. Like I said, I knew what I was going to give him this year, and I had planned ahead. But she'd be even more pissed if she knew what I was about to with her precious ribbon.

I tried to make myself relax, I took a few deep breaths and glanced back down at the ribbon. Which to choose, which to choose. The wide red ribbon with the diagonal stripes, or the itty bitty thin green one? The curly sparkly one, or just a bunch of sticky bows? Taking another deep breath, I grabbed the red one with the green stripes. I walked over to the large closet mirror that we all had in our rooms, and held up the the large spool of ribbon. I pulled a large strectch out and and stepped over it, pulling it up to my crotch. I pulled the side behind me over my shoulder, across my nipple, and back to my crotch. I pulled the side of the ribbon in front of me over my other nipple, around my other nipple, under my crotch and I held it to the other end of the ribbonwith my left hand. I tied the two ribbons together slowly, very fancy like. The way my mom had taught me. It looked like a huge bow from a movie set. With my right hand, I adjusted my member so it was tucked into the ribbon directly in between my legs, like a dancer's belt.

I dipped my fingers into the finger paint from my smallest sister's room (wasn't I a sneaky little thief?) and painted slow, slightly shaky words across my chest, 'To Fallon, From Xander'. Seeing my hands quiver made me realize just how nervous I was. Did I really want to do this? Yes. No. Yes. Yes I wanted this. Yes I wanted him. I threw my gaze to the now-faded marks on my wrist. He deserved me. After all I had put him through a year and half ago, and for the simple fact that he stayed with me through it all, he deserved it. And now that I was 17, and relatively ready, I wanted him to have it. But that didn't lessen my fear one tiny bit.

I let out a shaky breath and walked out of my room. Surprisingly, my ..... oufit barely even shifted. I stepped slowly down the stairs, watching my ribbons carefully, and strode into the kitchen. I put a few hand fulls of pine needles I had pulled off the tree that Fallon and I had picked out together into a pot of water I had set on the stove to boil a half hour ago and lit some peppermint candles so it would smell like Christmas. Christmas was my favorite holiday, and even though no one but Fallon and me had been in the house since the 15th, my halls were thoroughly decked. I smiled my way into the small den, which was the room with the tree, and definitely the most decorated. I adjusted the candy cane cover on the king-sized bed that pulled out of our corner couch so that it was straight. I inhaled deeply, the scent preparations I had made pouring into my nostrils, filling my head with wonderful thoughts. Visions of suagrplums, even. I took a step into the doorway and glanced at my work. There was the couch of course, and the tree that Fallon and I had decorated. It was covered in ornaments and baubles and assorted garlands. We had strung popcorn along the branches, too. Theres was a large recliner on the other side of the tree and it's back was covered in stick-on snowflakes. We had layed out a green and red swirl circular carpet and there were various Christmas related things along the walls, the roof, basically, it was the complete works.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2012 ⏰

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