~Chapter 2~ The Stunning Stranger

Start from the beginning

Mom looked at me and glared me, so I said: what?

Mom gritted her teeth and said: date pr jane ki umar meri nahi teri he.

Oh come on, not again.

I sighed: not again Mom.

This time to my surprise Dad took Mom's side: she is right princess. Its high time you should find someone.

I rolled my eyes and got up from my chair and went to Dad and hugged him: happy journey Dad. Call me when you reach the airport.

I went to Mom and hugged her and she hugged me back and I said: will be late today. Have some really important work.

She nodded in agreement and I opened the main door of the apartment and was about to exit when I heard dad saying: Nandini, find someone beta. You really need someone.

I turn back and gave dad a warm smile and said: bye Dad. Take care.

I sighed and close the door behind and took the lift. I reached in the basement and pulled out my car. Let me tell you all this is my car. I myself brought it. It's not like that ke Dad didn't gave me a car. Yes, he firstly insisted me to take car from his money, but I said no. so after two years of my hard work I brought this car. She is my baby. 

I sat inside and wore my Bluetooth and placed my phone into the rack. I started the car and pulled it out on the busy roads of Mumbai. Suddenly my phone rang and it was showing my office number. I picked up the call from Bluetooth.

"Hello" I spoke on the phone.

"Good Morning Ma'am" Vishakha spoke from the other end. She is the most trusted employee of my firm, she works at my firm from last three years. She is the senior Architect at my office.

"Good Morning Vishakha. Anything urgent?" I asked because she knows my arrival time for the office.

"Yes Ma'am. Actually Mr. Oberoi called this morning. He was asking to meet you for the hotel project today itself" Mr. Oberoi, one of the most successful in the business of hospitality. He was building a new hotel so for that he had hired me. Well it was the first meeting. I am actually quite excited for it.

"Oh Yeah. Tell him to meet me after lunch at office" I replied.

"Ma'am actually, he doesn't want to come at office. He wants to meet you outside" typical businessman. Of course why would he come to my office. It must be small for him. I let out a small laugh, which was go unnoticed by Vishakha.

"Okay Vishakha, tell him to meet me at the nearby Café. You know it right where I am talking about"

"Sure Ma'am" she replied happily.

"And yes, what about Mr. Sinha's residence? Any updates?" I am not handling only one project at a time. I have lots and lots of projects.

"The trainees have done some initial work Ma'am. But we need to look at it."

"yeah I am coming office only. Will meet you there"

"yeah Ma'am. Bye. Drive Safe" typical employee. But she is sweet enough.

I cut the call and pulled my car on the 4th gear and speed up the car. I reached at office after 10 minutes. I went inside and bowed down my head in front of the big Aiyappa's frame and then bowed down in front of Guru Nanak's Photo. Yeah yeah you all must be wondering why two? So let me clear this. My Dad is basically a South Indian. And my Mom is typical Punjabi. Love marriage you see.

I turned my head and found Vishakha standing there with some papers in her hand. She smiled at me and I too smiled back at her. I made my way to my office, while Vishakha followed me. All the other employees of my office wished me Good Morning. I wished them back and entered inside my office.

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