Chapter 1

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I don't want to go to sleep. I toss and turn in my bed don't know what stuff there is to do in my apartment in the middle of the night. My parents come into the room and see me on the floor like I did a bellyflop.

"Are you a vampire or something? Because it sounds like you barely sleep." I wouldn't be surprised if my dad said that but my mom said it instead. I stutter "I was its just I was having a bad dream so I was tossing and turning. Then I ended up like this." I got that out of mouth while I am still on the floor.

" Fine now good night." They both say that and walk out of the room. I am starting to get sleepy and sleepier. No! Stay awake! I start to drift up and I can't resist it anymore. I fall asleep.

Crap! I did fall asleep. Right now in my dream I am standing in my apartment.

Here comes the shadows. I see one of them peek out through my counter in my kitchen. "Lilia come here." I look stunned I bet. I turn around in circles. I don't see him he disappears.

"I am not going to. You are not dragging me into a dark wonded pit that I almost died in! I know that what happens is real and not a dream." I scream. " Come on I will leave you alone after this."

"I have heard this all before! You have done this since I was frigging seven I will refuse no matter what!"

The shadow walks toward me I see a faint face like slender mans but you can barely notice the shadow. He touches my chin. "Fine Lilia you win tonight." I smile in victory until he slashes my arm with a knife. "Night night darling." He backs up and disappears in the darkness.I scream in pain I am on the floor bleeding.

These dreams do happen in reality. But my parents don't hear us because he mutes us out like I forcefield. I toss and turn in pain. I just drop my arm and decide to give up. Fall asleep.

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