Chapter 19: The truth

Start from the beginning

"Oh he's fine ma-"

"I was asking Moe."

"Well then."

I just continued to look through my magazines.

"He's fine. He keeps asking about you. We went to the park the other day and there was mad ducks. So you know what he did..."

She held up the phone and I started laughing.

She held up the phone and I started laughing

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"Oh my lord..."My mama said with a laugh.

"He claims though are going to be all of his kids,"Moe said.

I busted out laughing. Not by moe. She already said she ain't really want too many kids.

My phone made that text noise making me smile.

From:My King❤️👑😍

Thinking about you

The other day we thought it would be cute if we did something different. My king, His queen. We so corny but cute.

To:My King❤️👑😍

Awwee, I better be on your mind! I miss you doe

Moe and my mama smirked at me. My mama smacked her lips and continued on my hair. Moe was smiling hard.

"What y'all do?"

"No what did you do? You be doing the most with that AJ boy. I haven't even met him,"My mama said.

She sprayed my hair and turned me around. Damn I looked fine as fuck .Except she left out my blue highlights. Ill have to dye those later.

"He's a good kid Ms.Carver,"Moe said.

At least she was defending me because my mama ain't believe me at all.

"Thanks mama, and thanks Moe. Ill talk to y'all later,"I said my goodbye to them.

I called a uber and was off to the hospital to see my best friend. I walked into her room and noticed her watching tv. The young and the restless to be exact. That show is just drama.

"Hey best friend."

"Hey boo,"She hugged me tightly,"How are you and my brother?"

"We alright. I'm just taking it one step at a time,"I said.

"Have you told him?"She raised a eyebrow.
I sighed, "Sam you can't keep these secrets from him forever."

"I know J but this situation is so crazy. He kept asking about Michael so I made up some lie,"I said with a shrug.

"This is going to catch up with you. You need to tell this boy the truth Sam."

"I'll tell him today. I promise but I'm afraid he will break up with me J,"I played with my fingers.

"If he truly liked you he would understand. If not don't even waste your time,"She said.
"Now get gone, because Victor Newman is getting on my nerves."

I hugged her and said my goodbye.

To:My King❤️👑😍

Hey have time to pick me up at the hospital?

I put my phone in my pocket after he replied yes. I waited for him to drive by. I was seriously shaking, because I was scared as hell.

He pulled up and opened the door for me and I got in with a smile.

"Home?"He asked.

"Let's go to the park real fast."

He nodded and pulled off to the park. The whole time he talked about my hair and how girls do it. I just toned him out thinking of what I was going to say.

This has to be one of the worst days of my life. We arrived at the park. I got out of the car and lead him to one of the benches near the sunset.

"AJ, I want to be completely honest with you. Completely honest and your going to think some things that...probably aren't the best."

"Sam I really like you.You my first real girlfriend. Ain't nothing about to ruin this shit yet,"He said with a simple smile.

"Well you know how my father died when I was younger?"I said. He looked at me confused.
"Him and my mother had a son. His name was Michael. Most men on his side of the family smoked heavily. They both died due to lung cancer,"I said.

"You thought I would be mad over your fathers & brother death? Sam... I'm sorry but what's going on?"He asked.

"Just listen. Well we moved to my uncles house. You know the one in my diary.  He was real nice. One day I came home from school and he told me what happened to my brother."

"What happened?"AJ shouted getting looks from others.

"My father poisoned him. My uncle is the only person to know. He told my uncle. My uncle couldn't hold a secret like that."

"You're father murdered your brother?"

"AJ let me explain. My mother started to catch feelings for him. He started to catch feelings for her too but the secret was holding him back.He knew if they got together this shit he would have to tell her.I came from school on a monday and I saw his arms around my moms neck. Strangling her to death and..."Tears started to stream out of my eyes.AJ wiped them away listening.
"I stabbed him with my moms heel and knocked him out with the pan on the stove. His head collided with the counter and cracked open. He now has some disorder from head trauma. Everything just wasn't going great and I could've been charged but we convinced everyone it was self defense. Then my mom moved me here."

AJ pulled me in for a hug, "Babe it wasn't that bad. You protected yourself and that's all that matter."

"There's just one last thing. You know my brother had a girlfriend named Alicia. She's tried to kill my mom and I before. I saw her while we were at six flags. That's why I jumped in line with you. She's set our house on fire once, slashed my moms tires while we were in a grocery store, and poisoned the food from the restaurant she worked at that she was going to serve us. She's going to kill us and everyone we love."

He looked at me stunned.

"It's ok if you want to break up with me I understand because I'm a h-"

"Nah you mentally confused freak. You don't know what's going on and that's ok. I'm going to help you figure this out girl. You tied down to my ass for the next century,"He said kissing my forehead.

I smiled "I won't mind that."

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