Midnight Travels

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Me and Luke got home around one am.
Luke fell asleep on his bed almost immediately.
But I couldn't sleep.
I decided to call my best friend, Calum.
Me and Calum met at a party a few years ago. He was always partying. He was a DJ who sold out concerts after concerts. He was hilarious and sweet and so funny. He never finished highschool. And he grew up rich. He had tattoos, and cussed a lot and he slept with a shit ton of girls.
Even though he was just like Luke, Luke would have hated him. He was too badass for his "Little Sister." But I had to be rebellious sometimes.
I called Calum, "Hey, come pick me up at the bus top."
"Sure thang Babygirl."
I giggled, "See you there Cal." I hung up.
I grabbed one of Luke's sweaters, my leggings and converse.
I grabbed my wallet and ran out the door to the bus stop Calum met me at.
When he saw me coming up he got out the car and hugged me. "Haven't see you in a long time!" He exclaimed. He spun me around and I giggled. "I saw your last shoot. It looked great."
"Thank you Calum. I'm glad you liked it."
"Come on. Let's go to the diner." He said as opened the door to his car.
The diner was a place me and Luke used to go when my aunt would keep us out of the house for hours at a time. Luke stopped going, he said he was too good for the place and he's not going back now that's he's "made it." I still went, when we were younger the waitresses treated us like family. And because we had no money, they gave us the food for free. Sometimes we would wash dishes. But I started going with Calum, because everyone knew us from when we were younger there, and no one ever asked for autographs and pictures because to them, we were just kids who got famous.
When we got there the diner was still standing in all its glory. It was like an old 90's diner. I loved that part.
We walked in, being greeted by my favorite waitress, Harper.
Harper was a sixty year old woman. She was sweet and kind despite the fact that she was poor, and had a small apartment. She moves here to L.A from Jersey after her divorce with her shitty abuse ex husband. I usually left large tips for her.
I hugged her, she was like a mother to me.
"You want your usual? You know we got Strawberries now, you want them on your pancakes?"
"Yeah. Sounds good. Thanks, love ya' ma."
"No problem sweetie. How about you sweet cheeks?" She motioned to Calum, who shrugged and said, "Surprise me."
"I'm gonna go to the kitchen with ma' you wanna go?"
"No thanks. I'll just be in the car. Take as long as you want."
I nodded. Calum didn't like it here very much. He was a rich kid, this place was run down and old. One of the many reasons I loved it. He'd rather sit in his Range Rover.
I followed Harper to the kitchen. "You know that boy is so stuck up sometimes." She laughed.
"Yeah, but he's a good guy."
"So how's ya' brother?"
"Good, good, a dick as always b-"
"Don't swear! It's not good for you."
"Sorry! Sorry!" I chuckled. She was big on cussing. Because it wasn't ladylike.
"How about that boy you brought here a few weeks ago. How's he been?"
"Michael...I don't know. We haven't talked. Luke didn't like him and I called it off. "
"That's impossible." She said as she flipped one of the pancakes." He looked at you with heart eyes. Honey he looked like he'd been hit by cupid!"
I blushed, "Ma' listen, Luke didn't like him."
"You blondes are so dumb."
I playfully hit her arm, "Hey! You know, Luke didn't like him."
"Why do you listen to him all the time anyway?"
"He does right by my. He's trying to protect me."
"Well if I was with a boy who looked at me like I was water after six months in a dessert, I wouldn't care who said anything."
"Well John has been looking at you." I wiggled my eyebrows.
"No," she blushed, "No way."
"Yes he has."
"No. Take ya' pancakes and get out my restaurant." She laughed. Handing me two boxes filled with pancakes. She smacked my butt as she kicked me out. I was in the car when I sat on something. My wallet.
"Oh my god! I almost forgot."
I put the pancakes in Calum's lap. I hopped back out of the car, and opened my wallet. Pulling out 5 hundred dollar bills. I handed them to her.
"No, I can't keep this."
"Stop being cliche Ma'. You've done so much for me, you deserve an Island. But this is all I brought, so your going to take it."
"Thank you." She took the money.
"Love you." I said.
"Love you too, you be good. And tell that brother of yours to back off and let you date who you want."
"I will." I said as I closed the car door and rolled down the window.
"Drive safe!" She called out as we drove off.
I was going to sneak Calum into the house like I always did but Luke was standing in the doorway when I opened it.
"Shit. Bye Calum. See ya later."
I hugged him quickly before slamming the door behind me.
"Heyyyyyy." I said awkwardly.
"Where the hell have you been?"
"Getting pancakes with Calum, Luke."
"From where?"
"Harper's diner."
"You still go there?"
"Yeah... " I tried to sneak past him and up the stairs.
"That still doesn't excuse you."
"God Luke, I can go wherever the hell I want. I'm a twenty one year old. If I wanna get drunk, I can. If I want to party, I can. If I want to go get pancakes with my best friend at one in the morning, I can. And you can't stop me. So fuck you Mr. Protective." I ran upstairs and slammed my door closed. I regret saying that. He just wants the best for me.
I heard the front door slam and I came down the stairs. Luke was gone.
I ran to the fridge and got the vodka from the fridge. I turned on the radio. Green day blasting through the speakers. I took a swig of the vodka straight from the bottle. From there I was belting out lyrics and chugging down Luke's vodka. And at some point passes out on the living room floor.

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