Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Hiccup's POV (surprise!)
--------After Date-----------
     I wanted to go see (Y/N) after mine and Astrid's date. When I was little, like what 10, I had a crush on (Y/N) but when she left I started liking her sister. But now it's weird because when me and Astrid kiss, it just doesn't feel right. Like I don't know, it can be because I like (Y/N) again, right? Anyway. I walked down to her house and knocked on the door. Mrs. Hofferson open the door. I asked, "Is (y/n) here?" I asked trying not to be awkward. "No she went down to the beach." She said with a soft smile. I returned the smile and said," ok thank you." And walked off towards the beach. Then I thought to myself. Do I like (Y/n) I can't though I'm dating Astrid! But no one can resist those beautiful full lips and her flowing (h/c) hair. And, oh gods I think I like her.

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