Chapter 9

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Makaylas pov a week later

I really dont know whats going on aug keeps on questioning my loyalty everytime i go out he either pops up forcing me back home or makes am argument about it he keeps on bringing up this Trey situation still threating to beat him up its reall draining me especially when i know im faithful !!! I try to just deal with it cause i want my marriage and i know im not doing anything wrong im supposed to go to lunch with zeke today but ion know if aug gone blow up and accuse me of liein

I went into the room and he was dressed i just looked at him i watched him button his shirt up and shook ma head

Kay- lemme guess you goin out ?!

Aug- Yea im goin out with chris nd the guys

Kay- ohh

Aug- you stayin home?!

Kay- i was gonna go out with zeke

Aug- oh ight cool

I raised an eyebrow shocked at his response i hurried up and got ready before he changes his mind i tried walkin out the room and he stood in front of the door i looked up at him

Kay- ummm...

Aug- ummmm....

Kay- what?!

Aug- you forgetting sumn

I jus looked at em confused

Aug- wheres ma kiss beybe?!

I pecked his lips but of course him being extra he turned it into a tongue
kiss i pulled back and he slapped ma ass

Aug- i love you

Kay- love you too

I thought ta ma self " he just was mad at me now that" I shrugged and left i drove ta the resturant when i got there i was sooo happy to see zeke! We really don't see each other much and i really need somebody i can vent to

I hugged him tight and he hugged me back

Zeke- you ok?!

I shook my head no

Zeke- come on Ma sit down lets talk

He pulled out my chair and i sat down he sat across from me and i felt myself bouta cry!

Makayla- lately ive just been feeling sooo stressed!

Zeke- with work?

Makayla- that too but my marriage

I said looking down

Zeke- what's wrong tell me wsup

Makayla- August is starting to be very controlling!!! He wont let me go no where and if i do he'll stalk me ! And everytime i turn around he's accusing me of cheating on him i just cant!!!

Zeke- Before i ask you anything else , DOES HE HIT CHU?!

Makayla- no no Augs not that type

Still stuck(August alsina)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora