Hospital Beds

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The reason I haven't been updating almost anything, is because: I'm moveing away, and I'm still coping with the news.

I'll try to update when I can, but that might be a while. I still need to pack and sort though stuff.

Thanks for understanding!

I'm going to take a little break with this book and head on over to my new one "Sam Golbach Imagines"
So if you could look at that then it would be great!


Colby's P.O.V

"Y/N, I don't want you to go tonight. Why not stay here, and we can watch movies." I watched Y/N gather her things.

She sighed, glancing over towards me. "Colby, you know I can't. I already promised them that I would go." Y/N mumbled. "I haven't seen them for a couple months."

Standing up I walked over to her. "Promise that you'll call me when you arrive?"

"I promise." Y/N smiles, and hugs me, next grabs her bags and walks out of the door. "Bye, Colby! I'll call you when I get there!"

That's all I can remember.

I had gotten a call, not from Y/N, but the hospital.

"She should make it. But it's a slim chance." The doctor sighed, looking over her charts.

A neck brace held her head straight. Purple and blue bruises covered her body from head to toe. Needles punctured her skin too.

"A drunk driver hit her car." The doctor said, and patted my back. "I'll let you have you're time." A half smile was brought to him, then he walked off.

I stared at her limp body. Watching her breath slowly.

"Its ok, Y/N." I whispered. "It's ok to let go. I'll understand. I don't want you to hurt anymore than what you have to. I love you." I whispered, running my fingers through her dry hair.

I getting bad at these.

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