Let's Get Together

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Tamar P.O.V
It's been 8 months since me and Tamera started dating👭 and today I want to make it official💏 I bought her a promise ring to promise🙏 her that I will never hurt her, cheat on her, or do her any wrong👎 I also bought her gifts🎁 and set it up in the kitchen. She was out with Tia so it was the perfect time to get ready. After I was done I must say, it looked pretty good💅 and I knew that she was gonna love it❤! And then the last thing I was did was set up a camera📹 to record it and upload it to YouTube. Good thing we decided to do a video today so that fell right into plan📃 We had started a YouTube channel a week ago and I wanted to upload this to it when I was done editing. Our YouTube channel is called Double T 4 Life😍, and it was growing fast. But anyways, she just texted saying that she was on her way🚗 so let me get finished.

Tamar was so excited. She was ready to make Tamera hers and give her everything and the world. Sheheard her pull up and got nervous but a happy nervous. Tamera opened the door and walked in.

Tamera- Hey Bae💖 *kisses*

Tamar- Hey Baby😇 *kisses back*

Tamera- I'm ready to do this video. Are you?

Tamar- Yes! I'm so excited🙌

Tamera- *laughing* Well OK👌 Let me go get the cam-

Tamar- I already have it set up📷

Tamera- Well OK then. Let's get started!

So Tamar and Tamera go in the room where Tamar has the the camera set up and they get started. They were originally supposed to talk their channel and what they are going to do on it but Tamar changed the subject.

Tamera- OK guys so today we are just gonna talk about what we are doing on this channel📹 and our relationship👭

Tamar- Actually I wanna talk about our relationship🌈👭

Tamera- Oh OK!

Tamar- Well see tamera we have been dating👭 so you speak for 8 months right👌

Tamera- Right💯

Tamar- And so like don't you think that we would be a good couple🌈

Tamera- Yes

Tamar- So you telling me that we should be together💏 right

Tamera- Yes 100%

Tamar- Well I'm glad😊 you said that because I want to ask you to officially be my girlfriend💖

Tamera- Are you serious😄

Tamar- Yes

Tamera- Bae💖 don't give my hopes up is this a prank😕

Tamar- Baby😇 why would I prank you about this

Tamera- So you fr😁

Tamar- Yes😃

Tamera- *crying* Then yes I wanna be your girlfriend😂

Tamar- Awwww Baby😇 Don't cry

Tamera- I told you that when you ask🙊 me that I was gone cry😭

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