“Yeah of course, why wouldn’t he?” she asked confused

“I don’t know? I guess I thought the American football scene would be completely homophobic but I guess that’s just me being judgemental. I am just surprised that he mentioned me. In answer to your earlier question though no I am completely gay.”

“Well some people are but Zak doesn’t care, he’s out and proud, you better get changed into your uniform we need to get out on the field in ten minutes” she said.

I quickly got changed and downed my drink, when the girls were ready we made our way out to the practice field. I was to train the girls in their new routines for five hours every day until the season starts, I am kind of glad that I am a fit guy otherwise five hours of constant jumping around would be painful. There was another reason why training for five hours would be fun, the girls had told him that jumping around and flashing their tits made the boys hot, so afternoons were usually tiring as well if you get my meaning.

Out on the field we were met by Coach Harvey, he welcomed me again and made sure that introductions had been made. I didn’t miss his eyes roaming all over my body, and I am not sure the girls did either as I could hear them sniggering beside me. He turned and walked towards the practice mats and we slowly followed him.

“I see Harvey has his eyes on you?” The brunette said, her name was Jess I believe

“You noticed that huh?”

“Well if you let him fuck you be prepared to not walk for a week, he has all the grace of a battering ram and he slams into you with no remorse, he will have you screaming until your hoarse as he goes on for hours and I mean hours.” She said

“Wait you have fucked him?” I asked stunned I thought he was gay

“We all have beautiful, it’s part of your induction.” She winked.

“Why on earth would I want to fuck him though?” I was totally bewildered.

“Well you saw him, he oozes power and if you want to get anywhere in this business then your dick should point you straight to him.” She finished and walked away

I was totally stunned, I mean I am not a prude, but hell if that’s what you had to do to keep your job what was I supposed to do? I had never cheated on anyone in my life and Zak was so sweet there was no way I was doing that to him, no way!

I walked over to the girls and Harvey was telling them a little bit of why I was here, once he had finished he took a seat and let us all get on with our warm up. I felt completely uncomfortable as I trained, his eyes never left me but I tried my best to focus on the routine. During the break the guys came over and the girls ran into their arms, Zak ran up to me and for some reason with Coach Harvey staring at me I suddenly felt shy. He picked me up and spun me around as if I was a girl and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips, he put me down and gave me a bear hug.

I was giggling like a pathetic school girl but Zak made me feel very special, I could feel Harvey’s eyes on my back so I pulled Zak down to me and kissed him passionately earning wolf-whistles from his team mates. I smiled but didn’t break away from the kiss, Zak just increased the speed taking me by surprise and making me breathless.

“That’s enough King get back to practice!” Harvey snapped.

“Yes Coach.” Zak said pulling away and running over to the football field.

I turned to look at Coach Harvey who smirked at me, he was being very unfair all of the girls were kissing and carrying on with the other players but only Zak had been sent away. I could predict exactly how this was going to play out, Coach Harvey was going to have me, otherwise he would come between me and Zak.

After practice the girls head off towards the changing rooms to shower and Harvey went back to his office. I started to put the mats away, and I was down to the last two mats when I realised that I was no longer alone. I turned and bumped into Coach Harvey, I stepped back a few paces and moved around him to pick up the last mat.

“Is there something that you need?” I asked him trying to be polite

“I just wanted to ask how you think your first day went?” he said grabbing my arm

I pulled it away gently and took another two steps away from him smiling, I really couldn’t afford to lose this job as I needed to start contributing to the apartment that Zak was buying for us. He leered at me and stepped closer, I wasn’t sure what to do I had a feeling what was coming next and I knew I wasn’t going to like it but I needed this job.

“I thought it was great, the girls are lovely and I think the routine will be fantastic once they have perfected the moves.” I smiled.

“I am truly glad you enjoyed it and I agree the routine you have choreographed was amazing, you’re really gifted Billy.” He said stroking my arm.

“Well thanks that means a lot, but I better go and shower now.”

“One more thing Billy before you go, I don’t want you and Zak to carry on like that again on the field. Kissing is for the bedroom keep it there ok?” he smirked

“Yes sir.” I replied gritting my teeth.

He stepped towards me again and smiled, he reached down and cupped my cock in his hands and I yelped slightly, he palmed me through my trousers and kissed me on the lips.

 “You could do so much better.” He said and walked away.

I stood there shocked for about ten minutes, I knew something was coming but the sheer audacity of that man had me reeling. I walked back to the changing room in a daze, when I entered it’s like all of the girls were waiting for me. I didn’t want to talk about it though and went straight for the showers, I couldn’t stop thinking about the injustice of what Coach Harvey was doing to Zak and I. The hot water cleared my mind and I decided to have a long talk with Coach Harvey, surely this was harassment and I was not prepared to put up with it much longer.



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