Hidden Behind Beauty

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When you see a girl on the street so you ever think she is who she looks like? it's so amazing, amazing what the world can do. the world had come up with so many things to hide the real you.  Photoshop and costumes all do one thing,  hide the real you.

you're hidden, hidden behind beauty, I know people always say you're beautiful just the way you are and it's true. when you take off all that make-up and the costume, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and seen who your family and friends used to see you as? that's who you should be not hidden, hidden behind beauty, hidden behind beauty is all it is. you're their masterpiece that's what they've made you.

they made you a person hiding, always hiding behind beauty. they've made you into their own disguise, a new you, one you never saw yourself to be. you are, you are, you are hidden, hidden, hidden, behind beauty. hidden behind beauty is what we are!!

do you ever wanna wake up and see you as you? right now all we are, all you are is hidden oh oh hidden behind beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2013 ⏰

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