Chapter 1

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I know Peeta's home when I hear the front door swing open & his heavy leather boots meet the freshly polished wood floor.

"KATNISS  I'M HOME" He yells from the foyer. If only he knew he didn't have to yell, I'm just a few feet away from him in the living room.

I'm waiting for him to complain about something, anything really, all he does is complain & make bread. Oh, and give me overly nice compliments that are really getting on my nerve.

For some reason he's oddly quiet and I don't know how much longer I can take the awkward silence. He bites his lip and taps his foot which could only mean one thing, he comes bearing bad news.

"What's wrong?" I blurt out in an attempt to end the silence.

"" He says unsure of how to break the news.

"Gale's coming to town." He mumbles under his breath.


"Gale's coming to town." he says loud and clear this time

All I can do is try to hold back my emotions. These past two years being with Peeta, I realized how much I wanted to be with Gale. I can hope he still feels the same way about me but, the chances are slim. He's in District 2, he's probably found someone better than me who wouldn't make the mistake of leaving him for a guy named after a freaking piece of bread. So if he hates me now, I wouldn't be surprised. I won't get my hopes up.

My thoughts are interrupted when I notice Peeta staring at me from across the room. I hate how when he stares at me its like he can see right into my soul and know exacting what I'm thinking.

I see the look of disappointment in his eyes.

"You're happy about this aren't you?" he says in a sad tone slowly lowering his head.

"Um, I don't know how I feel about it yet." I say. Which isn't a complete lie.

"How about we forget about it for now and go make some dinner?" I suggest as I stand up from my chair and start walking towards the kitchen.

Hope you guys are enjoying the fanfic so far:) Please vote for my chapters and comment some of your opinions. Make sure to keep on reading xx

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