I frowned. "Um no, if he wants her he can tell her himself."

"Why you'on like him?"

I shrugged. She kicked me slightly. "You so damn mean Ju!"

I ignored her ruffling my hair.

Bri helped me wash my hair before I put my hair in braids and went downstairs.

I hadn't noticed Mama had gotten home, she and Marley were on the couch watching Frozen.

I swear Marley has watched this movie a thousand times but it never gets old to her.

"Hey mommy." I spoke sitting on the couch crossing my legs.

"Hey baby." She glanced at me. "When you want your hair did?" I shrugged.

"Whenever." She nodded telling me she would do it Sunday.

"Shh!" Marley rolled her eyes. I was about to throw a pillow at her before my phone pinged.

I grabbed my phone and saw I had a new friend request on Facebook.

"Marley you done seen this movie a thousand times give me the remote." Mama snapped holding out her hand.

"No mommy it's almost over!" She whined.

I clicked on the app since I had nothing else to do and saw it was a boy.

Shannon Pearson

I clicked on his profile, kicking my feet and almost fell on the floor when I realized it was Nae's brother. My heart sped up as my mind wondered how the hell he got my information.

I locked my phone deciding to wait a couple minutes before accepting it. I didn't want to him to think I was sweating him.

Which I was.

"I'm going to bed y'all, night." I said just as Mama was yelling at Marley for hiding the remote.

I ran up the steps skipping two at a time, I shut my door to my room and turned on my TV to pass some time.

I counted down the seconds until 10 minutes past and went back on Facebook to accept his request.

I went to his page and saw he had that he was twenty years old in his info box.

I went through his pictures, which he didn't have many of. They all consisted of him blowing smoke clouds or with a bunch of boys. He was in the club or at parties in many of his pictures also.

I got off his profile after a few more minutes of lurking and turned off my TV.

I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up around 9 and climbed out of bed heading to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and did my hygiene routine before I undid my braid out and sighed. Parts of my hair was still wet so it looked a mess. I got my blow dryer out and dried the rest of my hair then put it in a sleek bun.

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