Matt waited for me. "Hi." He smiled uncertainly. "Hi." I said and we just stood there in awkward silence till I suggested we go out. We had arranged chairs outside, so that we could all sit and talk. I noticed that everyone mingled except Nate and Matt. Jade noticed that too, and glared at Matt to talk to Nate. "Guys, how about we go get the appetisers." Lynn suggested. Jade and I got up to help her. 

                                                                         Matt understood that we wanted to leave him alone with my brother. Nate made to follow us, but Matt asked him if they could speak alone. I saw Nate nod and go to the living room. "Wow that's awkward." Lynn sighed as we started plating up the food. "Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes. Jade looked a little uncomfortable. "Jade, are you alright?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and hugged me. "I'm very very sorry for what Matt did." She said. "What?" I asked in confusion.

                                                                          She pulled away and wiped at her eyes. "Umm, Jonah, Matt and I were having lunch the other day and we were talking about tonight's dinner. And as we spoke Matt offhandedly mentioned that he broke into your room. I am appalled that he would do something like that. I'm guessing that's why all of you, especially Nathan are so cold towards him. I know my brother is an arrogant ass, he won't apologise, but I would to apologise for him. That behaviour is pathetic and unacceptable." Jade said.

                                                                        Just as I began to tell her that it was okay, we all heard a loud crash from the living room. We exchanged perplexed looks and ran to the living room. I reached there first and was shocked. Matt was sprawled on the floor with a split lip and red cheek. Nate stood over him, massaging the hand he had used to punch him. "Nathan!" Lynn shouted and pulled him away from Matt, who was wearily raising himself from the floor. Jade ran to help her brother. 

                                                                      "What happened?" Jade asked as she took in Matt's bleeding lip. I just stood there, confused between whom I should check on first- my brother or my guest. Lynn whirled onto Nate, ready to blow. "It's okay, it's fine." Matt said. He winced as he touched his cheek. "What's going on here?" Lynn demanded. "I'll get some ice." I squeaked and ran to the kitchen. It barely took me half a minute to get the ice pack. I handed it to Matt who was seated on the couch. "Thanks." He mumbled.

                                                                       "Speak." I said to Nate. "We were clearing the tension." Matt answered instead. When all of us gave him blank stares, Matt rolled is eyes and said, "He had some anger, I had some guilt, he hit me, we both got over it. I allowed it. We're good now." Matt looked at Nate, who nodded. "Okay. I'll get the first aid kit. I'll patch you up and then perhaps we can have a peaceful dinner." I said. Everyone agreed. Jade, Lynn and Nate cleared whatever small damage had been done to the furniture, while Matt followed me to the kitchen.

                                                                       I told him to sit on a stool while I got the first aid kit from above the fridge. "You've got a nice house." Matt said as I tore up some cotton wool. "Didn't you notice it the last time you came?" I asked sarcastically. Matt had the grace to look ashamed and I softened. "This might sting." I said as I applied the antiseptic to his lip. He hissed in pain, but didn't move away. "Sorry." I grimaced. He continued to apply the ice pack to his face.

                                                                        "Does your cheek hurt?" I asked. "It'll be an angry bruise, but I'll manage." Matt said. I nodded and shut the first aid kit. As I moved away, he held my wrist. "I know I've never said this, but I'm sorry for what I did that night. I had no right to barge into your room and trouble you. It was a d**k move and I'm really really ashamed about it. I don't think you'll ever be able to forget, but I hoped you could forgive me." He said. He maintained eye contact the whole time and never once smirked.

                                                                      I was so shocked by his apology, that instead of saying I forgave him, I spoke the first words that came to mind, "I thought we were even." Matt waited. "I hope you're not waiting for me to apologise for the prank." I said. Amusement sparked in his eyes. "No I don't. That was a first rate prank. We should work together the next time." He said. 

                                                                     He hadn't let go of my wrist. For some weird reason my cheeks grew warm I couldn't maintain eye contact with him. ""We should join the others. I'm starving." I said. "Yeah." Matt's face became red and he quickly let go of me. He waited for me till I put the kit back. We went outside and rejoined the others.

                                                                     Halfway through dinner, Matt tapped my shoulder. "I heard you and that Logan guy are partners for the Biology project." "Yeah." I spoke through a huge mouth of lasagna. "I was thinking that if our groups worked on the projects together, Mitchell might think that we've learnt to get along and let us off the hook." I thought about it. True, if would send a positive message to the school authorities. Also, I would be with my friends. "Okay. Tomorrow?" I asked. "My place." Matt replied.

                                                                       By the time the Anderson's got up to leave, mom had two new friends, Nate had gotten over his anger and Matt and I had taken another step forward in not hating each other. The night had proved to be fruitful after all.

A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you had a fantastic week! Who's POV would you like to see in the next chapter? Logan, Gemma or Matt? Let me know! Also, don't forget to vote and comment.

Lots of love-D          :)

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