"I Miss You"

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Kristen's POV

   After one year of the awful scandal, Rob was finally talking to me once again. Even though we were just friends, I couldn't help it. I still loved him, but maybe he hated me or maybe he found someone else. Just thinking about it made me jealous. I just couldn't imagine Rob with someone else. As I made my way towards my bedroom in my apartment at last my phone rang. "Hello." I said. "Hey Kris, wanna hang out? Maybe watch some movies?" It was Rob! "Sure, is my place okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I just got off from work so it's cool. I'll see you in a few." He replied. We hung up and I began to dance like a little girl.
  After dancing and twirling like a little ballerina, I got comfortable in my pajamas. Well maybe a shirt and some shots, I turned the television on when the doorbell rang. I made my way towards the door and took a deep breath before opening the door. "Hey, come in." I said with a stupid smile over my face. "Thanks. Hey, I brought Twilight." He said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as well. "Cool, make yourself at home and we can watch the movies in the living room if you want." I said softly. He rolled his eyes at me playfully . "We can watch them in your room, I'm tired. I hope you don't mind if I crash here for the night?" He asked with a beautiful smile. "Of course not." I replied.
  As we made our way back to my bedroom, Rob dropped his jacket on the floor and took his shoes off. I made my way towards my bed leaving him a spot. We smiled at each other for about a minute or two then Rob inserted a DVD and made his way back towards the bed. I grabbed an extra pillow hugging it as he now laid beside me.  God, I wanted to tell him so many things. As time passed by, I became sleepy and Rob was now in a deep sleep.
  The next day as I opened my eyes I was in my own personal heaven. Rob had me in his arms ! After a couple of minutes later he opened his eyes, yet he didn't say a word. "I wish this moment wouldn't have to end." I whispered to myself. "I wish the same thing." He was awake ! I quickly looked up and he was looking at me with his beautiful smile. "Kris..." He began. "I can't get you out of my head, out of my heart. We hurt each other in different ways, maybe we should try one last time." I smiled like an idiot. "I'd love that." I replied softly.
   I saw his beautiful smile grow. "How about we cook something to eat because I'm starving." He said laughing . "How about some pancakes ?" I teased as I jumped off the bed. "I know what you're doing !" He said with a smirk. I made my way towards the kitchen grabbing everything I would need, when Rob stepped beside staring down at me with his beautiful eyes. "Can I help?" He asked. "Sure, you make the pancakes and I'll make the coffee." I replied with a grin.
  By 10am we were done. I grabbed our plates and headed towards the sink. I could feel his eyes just watching me and then I just began to think out of nowhere what my life would be like if we were actually meant to be. My heart pounded faster just thinking about the future. I shook my head and turned around, Rob was gone... I walked towards the bedroom and there he was all dressed up. "I have to go pack, I have a flight to catch tomorrow evening. I'd love to see you before I leave." He whispered. "I'll stop by around 5." I replied. "Great." He kissed my forehead and headed out leaving my heart melt from his sweet words.
  It was Friday at last , today Rob was leaving to who knows where and he wanted to see me before leaving. I checked my phone and it was 9:30am, I grab the remote control and turn on the television . As I change the channel once again there's a movie with Rob in it. I watch the movie for half an hour then jump out of bed and head towards the bathroom. I let the water run for a couple of minutes and then turn it off. "I'll have a nice relaxing bubble bath." I say to myself.

  It is 10:30am now, I'm relaxed from my bath and a bit sleepy. I take my phone setting the alarm to go off at noon, that'll give me time to get dressed and maybe put some makeup on. I set the phone down on the nightstand and close my eyes. I drift away for about twenty minutes when my phone rings, it's Taylor. "Hello." "Kris! How've you been? It's been a while since we had a talk." "I know dude, I have to update you on a few things." I smile. "Things ? As in Rob ?" He asks. "Yes." I reply with my stupid smile. "I've been updated, I'm happy for you two. We should all go out sometime and catch up. I'll let you go now. Take care." "You too." I hang up at around 11:15am and just turn off the alarm clock.
  I make my way towards my closet with a vision of what I want to wear : a short black dress decorated with beautiful roses, some black high heels, and maybe a simple sweater. I look through my closet and gather each item then head back to the bedroom. "I have time to do my makeup." I smile. I begin to get dressed as I watch some more television , my dress fits perfectly . I begin to do my makeup: some pinkish eyeshadow,followed by some mascara, black eyeliner and finally some color on my cheeks. It's simple but I really don't care.
  At exactly 3pm, I put my shoes on, grab my phone and keys then head out the door. I walk towards my car and step inside. As the engine roars I begin to think why Rob would want to see me. I make my way into traffic and head towards my destination . "Ugh!!" It's 4:30pm, and living in LA can be a nightmare . As I see Rob's building I'm relieved. The traffic begins to move once again and I'm free at exactly 4:50pm.

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