A Dream Come True

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Kristen's P.O.V.

More than a year had gone by since Rob proposed in such a romantic way. Well, I actually found everything he did romantic and sexy. My phone rang at fifteen minutes past seven in the morning. "Hello?" I said in a sleepy tone. "Kristen, you're going to be late for your fitting!" A female voice yelled, it was obviously my mother. I rolled my eyes as I slowly got out of bed and headed for a quick shower. "I won't be late if you stop yelling and let me take a quick shower." I replied and hung up laughing as I imagined her face.

  Meanwhile, Rob was sleeping and cuddling my pillow. He said it had my scent somehow. I took a ten minute shower, dried off , got dressed in whatever I could find nearby and before leaving , kissed Rob' forehead and headed out the door. Being back in Los Angeles made it so much fun for me in a way, I had the opportunity to drive, bump into fans. As I drove my truck to some fancy boutique in Hollywood, I looked through the streets and the people walking to work. I smiled slightly imagining how my life would be soon.

  After thirty long minutes, I finally arrived. "You're late!" A very familiar voice yelled as I parked. "Hey mom." I replied sweetly knowing she would roll her eyes and hug me which she did. "Let's go, I want to see the dress dear." She was probably more excited about the dress than me. We walked inside and the designer screamed. "Bring me this beautiful woman's dress!" Paulo was the name, the dude had a last name but I just couldn't pronounce it. "Let's get to work." He grinned.

Paulo's P.O.V.

  We began the last final touches to the dress. "Kris, have you lost weight again love?" I asked her as I measured her waist. "Actually, I think I gained weight." She replied trying to change the subject. "You've gained six pounds." I continued with my work as Kris chatted with her mother about Robert for at least an hour. "Well, I think we're finished love." I smiled proudly. "Thank you!" Kristen replied with excitement as her phone rang. "Hello." It was Rob, I assumed he missed her. They talked for a couple of minutes then Kris hung up. "I have to go, send the dress a day before?" She asked. I nodded. "Of course, now you may leave." I teased with a laugh. "Thanks again!" Kristen yelled as she ran out the door forgetting about her mother.

Rob's P.O.V.

  Kristen had been gone almost all day, it was nearly 2pm. I laid down watching television along with a surprise puppy named Max. I had adopted him a week ago and asked the shelter to take care of him meanwhile, of course I had to pay but I didn't mind at all. At exactly 2:30pm, I received a text from Kris,"almost home,see you soon ❤️." I smiled like a little boy. I continued to watch television, until 2:56pm when she opened the door. "I'm home!" I quickly jumped out of bed and headed towards her carrying her in my arms. "I have a surprise for you." I took her hand leading her to our bedroom. Suddenly she spots a small brown puppy with a blue ribbon around its neck. "It's adorable!" She says as she takes him in her arms and kissing my jawline. "Hungry?" I ask. "Very." She replied. Kris had been eating more than usual,gained a couple of pounds but looked even more beautiful.

  It was now 3:30pm, Kris was craving pizza so I ordered two large pizzas and some soft drinks. By 4:15pm the pizzas arrived. "Kris, pizza is here!" She ran like a little girl towards the pizza. "It smells so good." She whispered. I laughed softly as I carefully took the pizzas to our living room and placed them over the table. We began to watch Titanic, I rolled my eyes playfully every now and then. "Leo is so hot here." She was obviously teasing me, but I didn't mind.

  A couple of hours had gone by, we were now cuddling watching another movie. I wasn't paying much attention to this one since Kris was falling asleep. I slowly sat down with her in my arms, then stood up heading to our bedroom and setting her on her side of the bed. It was now 8pm, I decided to lay down and keep her company. My phone vibrated at exactly 7am. "Hello." I probably sounded drunk at the moment. "Just a quick reminder, your tuxedo is ready and so are your honeymoon tickets." A voice said, I couldn't recognize who it was. "Okay, thank you. Please email me the details on the flight." I said with a yawn. "Yes sir." After the small conversation I stepped out of bed and looked around for Max. "There you are." I whispered as I spotted him in his own bed which looked like a basket.

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