Of Immortal Beings and 'I told you so'

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A FBI sedan caravan slowly drove through a crowded street outside of the Machen Library, an imposing four-story structure, all pillars and pediments. There was complete and utter chaos near the entrance: policemen, TV reporters, police on horseback. Loud protests escaped from the reporters as a line of black sedan cars were waved through.

"The NYPD has yet to issue a statement." A blonde reporter stated outside of the museum. "We've got SWAT vans, paramedics, you name it... and now here's a-a- a garbage truck," she did a double take, "A large, garbage truck?"

Trailing behind the cars, was a garbage truck. On its side a mirrored sign that read: Squeaky Clean Inc. Waste Management Services. In the driver's seat was Stan, while Myers sat in the passenger's seat. The crowd parted for the garbage truck. Dozens of faces were reflected in the truck's mirrored logo. A policeman on horseback, rode past the mirrored sides of the truck.



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Inside the Garbage truck

The policeman was visible as he rode by; the mirrors were see-through. The back of the truck was a fully-equipped crime lab, crammed with hi-tech gear and low-tech talismans. Abe had fit a respirator over his face. The respirator looked like a mechanized Elizabethan collar. The valves bubbled and hissed as he inhaled liquid through his mouth and out his gills. Hellboy looked out onto the crowd, while Nix did pull-ups from the bar by the glass.

"Look at them ugly suckers, Blue. One sheet of glass between them and us." Hellboy stated his voice tired.

"Story of my life." Abe replied.

"I break it, they see us, Happy Halloween. No more hiding." he said, nostalgia filled his voice. "Outside. I could be outside-"

"You mean, outside... with her." Nix stated stopping her movements, to sit next to Abe.

Hellboy strapped on a huge utility belt heavy with amulets, rosaries, horseshoes. From an ashtray he grabbed a handful of stogie stubs. He lit one, and put the rest in a pouch. "Don't get psychic with me." Hellboy argued back, causing Nix to flinch.

"Nothing psychic about it. You're easy." Abe said in Nix's defence, to which Hellboy bowed his head in slight guilt.

Looking up Hellboy unlocked a steel box, 'The Good Samaritan' stenciled on it's lid and extracted the meanest-looking, custom-built, double-barrel, blue-finished, handgun ever made. A veritable cannon. Nix sat beside Abe sharpening one of her blades, while Abe made finishing touches on his respirator.

"How am I ever gonna get a girl? I drive around in a garbage truck." Hellboy stated, frustration filled his voice.

"Liz left us, Red. Take the hint." Nix retorted under her breath. Her brother may have lost his love, but she lost a sister.

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