A Year Ago

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A year ago

I was in a dark place

I didn’t know where to go

There was no hope in my case

I was so lost

I felt so alone

I would have paid any cost

To not feel like I was on my own

As sad as it may be

I was dying inside

But no one could see

Because I would always hide

I would fake a smile

And they would all believe

Nothing seemed worthwhile

Instead I needed to relieve

In my darkest hour

I felt so small

Those nights I cried

Till I fell asleep

To myself I lied

My secret I tried to keep

In some ways

I didn’t want anyone to know

But on other days

I wanted my real feelings to show

My days seemed dark

But my nights seemed even darker

One day my life started to change

And everything began to rearrange

In my darkest hour

When there seemed like no light could come in

God’s Holy power

Shed light to my dying heart within

He gave hope to me

And gave my heart love and care

He made me see

That He was always there

He helped me get back to my feet

And showed me the way

His love is complete

And how I could talk to Him everyday

Now that the darkness is in the past

I can finally move on

Because that was the last

The hurt is all gone

Thanks to the Lord, who set me free

And helped me find the girl, who I’m supposed to be!

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