Call of the Siren (Kenny x reader)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Before you knew it, you were back in your neighborhood, and far away from Mysterion. You bent over, panting, and placed your hands on your knees to recover. You looked up, and noticed who's bedroom light was still on in the neighborhood. You smirked and quickly used his garage to get inside. Once inside, you made sure to tiptoe past his parent's bedroom, as to not awaken them. You stood outside his door for a moment, making sure you didn't hear any commotions going on inside. Suddenly, you burst and launched yourself onto your friend's bed. "Hello, Leopold!" You greeted, making yourself right at home.

Butters clutched his chest with a look of panic across his face. It quickly went away when he realized the intruder in the house was actually you. "Harmony, I already told you, you can't just break into people's houses! I could get grounded if they find you in here with me." He lectured, to which you rolled your eyes. You waved him off, sprawling yourself across his bed and going through your messenger bag.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just so excited to show my bud what I did tonight." You handed him your phone, cocky at your handiwork. Butters chuckled, before handing you back your phone. "Chaos like's what he sees! Thank you, Harmony." Butters thanked, as he quickly put on his costume. "Can you send that image to me? I'd like to use it the next time those Super tools mess up another one of my plans." Professor Chaos requested, smiling when your photos went through.

"Of course, Professor. Those heroes like to act like heroes when in reality we all know they're just stuck up about themselves, even that cutie Mysterion. If anyone's a hero, it's me. I'm the one who stands up for this boy they call Butters whenever he's bullied. My artwork brings shame to the true villains." You declared, standing up victoriously. "I have some red spray paint left this time if you want to use it!" You offered, searching through your messenger bag. You froze when you realized that task wouldn't be so easy. Retracting your hand, you turned to look at him with a look of horror on your face.

"Oh my god, Professor. I lost the can. I don't know where it went it was in my bad before Mysterion showed up. It must've fallen out when I was running! I'm screwed. He'll track my fingerprints and then kick my ass. I'll go to jail when I was just standing up for the silent innocent." You cried out, panicking. Quickly Professor Chaos ran to your side and draped an arm over your shoulders, trying to comfort you.

"It'll be okay, Harmony. The worst he can do is find your fingerprints, right? How can he prove that it was you doing the graffiti all over town? Can he prove it was you that painted all the crossing signs pink? Can he prove you're the one behind all the 'crimes' around town?" Professor Chaos questioned, knowing that you knew the answer to those questions. "I guess you'll right. He can't absolutely prove that I did anything." You sighed, calming down. Slowly, you pulled off your mask and hood and gave Butters a hug. He reciprocated the gesture, smiling. "I better head home now. See you later, Professor." You bid him farewell and quietly left his house for your own. Upon breaking in and getting to your room, you crashed on the bed immediately, worn out from the long day.


The following morning, you jumped out of bed and went into a panic when you realized you were going to be late to class. You quickly threw on the closest clothes near you and rushed out of the house. You tried to smooth down your non-brushed hair as you booked it to the bus. By the time you made it to the bus stop, you saw the bus doors close and slowly pulling away. Panting, you stared at the ground dejectedly. However, a familiar voice soon broke you out of your funk.

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