A Wicked Treat (Damien Thorn x reader)

Start from the beginning

He peered at you, before snickering. "Don't be stupid, this plan will never work. We'll stick to what I have planned instead." You watched as he showed you what he had planned out. You made a grab for it, as to destroy it like he had done to yours, but he took it away before you could reach it. "Nice try, (Y/n). Even if you were to destroy mine, it would still be better than anything you could plan." You listened to his jeering for the last time, before slamming your hand down on the table.

"Alright fine Damien! You build your machine and I'll build mine! Whichever machine hits the ball over the line faster is the one that'll be brought to school tomorrow." You challenged, pushing everything off the table. Your stuck your hand out, and waited for his to meet you. You smirked as his hand made contact with yours, confirming the deal. You knew you were going to win.

~Time skip to when the machine's are done~

The two of you counted down in sync, before dropping the marbles. Your marble raced off, taking the lead. You grinned and stuck your tongue out at him. He wrinkled his nose and crossed his arms, ignoring your clear victory. Before you could cheer however, your marble hit a sharp turn, and down came your entire machine. You gaped at the sight before you, trying to ignore Damien's harsh laughter at your failure. "You used your magic to make you win didn't you?" You accused, stomping towards him.

"I didn't use magic at all. I may be the son of Satan, but I don't cheat for any particular reason, especially when I know I'm going to win anyways. I told you your plan was stupid." He made jabs at your machine again and again, ignoring the clear frustration growing on your face. You balled your hands into fists, tired of dealing with his spiteful behavior and words.

"Oh fuck you Damien! My plan probably would've worked fine if you hadn't destroyed my blueprints for it! You set me up from the start." You blamed him, storming away from him. You turned back to face him, determined to finish this "collaboration" once and for all. "I don't know what your problem is! Despite what everyone says about you, I tried my best to be nice to you and yet you ended up meeting my expectation exactly! Who wouldn't be surprised that the son of Satan really is just an asshole." You blurted out, before covering your mouth with your hands. While you had meant to be hurtful, you didn't mean to reveal that you had been faking your behavior towards him, and to expose your predetermined beliefs.

He appeared in front of you before you could justify what you said, eyes filled with some emotion you couldn't recognize. "Well no one told you to pretend to act nice to me! If you knew I was an asshole all along then why pretend that you like me? You were already set with the image of me in your mind anyways." He hissed out, passing you to make his way to the bathroom. "Like you said, I'm destined to be an asshole. I'm supposed to be vindictive. I'm supposed to be malicious. You got me pegged all right. Being the son of Satan means that I am full of evil. Congratulations for knowing that before ever even speaking to me, (L/n)." He finished, slamming the bathroom door behind him.

You stood facing the door, thoughts racing through your head. 'This is his fault he should've just been nice if he wanted to people to think he was nice-' Your shameless thought was interrupted by the moral thoughts caving in at the walls you surrounded it in. 'No matter how nice he acts, people will still think he's evil because he's the son of Satan. He will always be known as up to something because of who he and his dad is.' The conscious side of you spoke up, filling you with guilt. You bit your lip and walked towards the door. "Damien?" You quietly murmured, knocking on the door.

Not hearing a response, you took that as permission to go on. "I shouldn't have let what others said affect the way I thought about you before getting to actually know you. You are more than just Satan's son. You're your own person, and you aren't inherently evil. I'm really sorry." You waited for him to say something, anything, but you were instead met with silence. "Damien? I really am sorry for what I said. Please come out so I can apologize face to face." You pressed more but still received no acknowledgment in return. Just as you were starting to walk away, you heard your bathroom door click as it was being opened. You whipped around to face Damien, surprised at his slightly puffy eyes. "Damien-!" You began, only to be cut off by being dragged into his chest.

You froze, not knowing what to do. This certainly wasn't the Damien you knew, but then again, you didn't really know the Damien you thought you did at all. You cautiously reciprocated the gesture and began rubbing his back. You squeezed tighter as you felt your shoulder getting damp. 'He's actually kind of sweet. I'm the asshole here.' You berated yourself, only to be snapped out of thought by him pulling away.

"Stop." His voice croaked, causing your cheeks to flare up. 'Holy shit, his voice just made me a little weak inside. Help I'm dying' You inwardly shamed yourself for these thoughts, before sending him a questioning look. "I know you're blaming yourself for what happened tonight. It's my fault, I could've been nicer and tried to change your mind about me-" You pressed your finger to his lips, sending him a small smile.

"Don't. I know it's hard being the son of Satan. We can play the blame game all day and get no where. I should've had an open mind going into this, and you could've acted the way you actually felt. What's happened has happened, now lets write our names down for your machine and be done with this dumb project." You grinned, feeling your cheeks heat up again when he matched your smile. Walking back to the standing machine, you turned around and grabbed the grading rubric, writing down your names. You heard a loud crash, and whipped your head around to see what had happened. Your eyes grew wide at the sight of his machine on the ground.

"Oh no. My machine fell. I guess we'll have to recreate your machine after all." He halfheartedly lied, sending you his best innocent eyes. You shook your head at him in disbelief, before tossing down the rubric.

"I don't know why you kicked yours over you big oaf, but let's work on a new machine together. It'll take probably all night though, so we'll miss trick or treating." You beamed, picking up the scattered parts from your chaotic battle. You froze as you felt his hand slide into yours as your fingers interlocked. Before you could get your heart beating back to normal, you swear you felt your heart stop and breathing malfunction all together when he wrapped his arm around you, and whispered into your ear, "I wouldn't mind spending all night with you, I hope the treat I have will be enough to make up for missing Halloween though."

You gulped, looking back at him with a flushed face and racing heart. 'Lord give me strength, I don't know if I can last the night!'

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