Chapter Two: Snake

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Jeff glared at the mirror, examining the large purple bruise decorating his jawline. The killer growled and slammed his fist into the counter, hearing a satisfying crack from the particle board beneath the linoleum. He was lucky this time, being able to get the woman in the hospital. He had to leave in a hurry because of that stupid bodybuilder. No worry though. He has a new target now. He'd have to leave soon anyway, why not snag another kill before ditching the town?

Jeff pulled on his hoodie and tucked his knife into his pocket. He was able to wash it last night, after putting the man who lived in that apartment to sleep. It was a shitty place, and the guy was an obvious tweaker. He wouldn't be missed. It was still bright out, so he would only be able to get a little stalking in before nightfall.

That's what Jeff loved about killing, other than the killing itself. He loved watching the target's sanity slowly deteriorate until they almost want him to kill them. But they never want to die. It's just human nature.

He stepped out of the apartment and pulled his hood over his head. He didn't have any mode of transportation, so he had to walk. He didn't mind, though. He enjoyed the fresh air. Which made little sense to him, it almost made him seem sane.

It took a while, a few hours, but he found the guy who interrupted his kill. His mind clouded with a seething anger, until he saw the girl. Her brown ringlets bounced as the laughed, and her smile seemed to light up the room. Jeff's permanent smile became distorted in a confused frown, and his ash ringed eyes twitched. His fingertips itched, presumably to spill her blood. Something was different this time. There was something about that girl, it made her seem familiar.

Jeff knew one thing though.

She was next.

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