What Had Happened

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I felt like I was missing something. And of course, I knew that I was missing Marco. It was my fault he was gone, anyway. But I was missing something else. Something that was important to me. Yes, Marco was very important to me. But I guess he wasn't that important since I killed him. But I loved him. Did I? Yes...no..? I don't know anymore. It's been weeks, months, years since that happened. Tom hasn't bothered me since. And neither has my emotions. I feel blunt these days. No feelings, no conscience, no heart. I was a lonely person. I didn't have a happy life anymore. I was just a plain old student like everyone else at the High School. Did I mention I'm in High School now? Today was my first day. It didn't play along so well. Everyone knows about Marco's death, and even though I'm a changed person they still don't care. They taunt me for it, run away from me because of it, and all I want is Marco back. Even though I know he will never come to me once more, I do love him and I need him. His encouraging self, only underestimated me once. No! Star, I tell my self. Don't think of the old times or you will cry.
Mr. and Ms.Diaz keep away from me. They make me meals and take care of me, but they hardly ever speak to me. I usually don't come down to eat. I never really eat anymore. Marco used to make me nachos almost every-No, Star! Not again! I remind myself. If you're wondering what happened at school, let me start off with this morning...

I woke to the sound of evil laughter in my head. "Go away, Tom," I groaned.
"But, Star.."
And I woke up. Tom was always in my dreams. Haunting me as his petty, demon self. I hated him so much!
But Marco...he was always the good guy. Saving me from Tom, killing Tom, and...there was that one dream where he kissed Jackie. But that didn't matter. Not anymore.

Speaking of Jackie, she hadn't spoke to me ever since that day that Marco died.
I saw her in Middle School, and she was the one spreading rumors about me. And even Ferguson and Alfonso hate me. Yes, I know that Marco was there best friend, but they need to FREAKING FORGIVE ME FOR ONCE!!! I..I'm sorry, I get very aggravated. Marco would've been here to calm me down...but I'm fine. I'm always just fine. No feeling. No emotion. Just peachy.

School was boring. Nothing to learn but classes and teachers names. Not that I would be going to class anytime soon. I'd just tell the Diazs that I was sick. Of course, they wouldn't care if I died. They have no love for me now. No one really does anymore..

You know, school was "fine". Isn't that everyone's excuse? Well, it was mine. But nothing was fine. Little did the Diazs know that I was off trying to find Toffee all day. He had sent me a ransom note saying that he had Marco; but I know he didn't. Because Marco was dead. Dead forever. And there was no way he could ever come back...

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