like a rabbit

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okay, second verse

It was the first day of 8th grade after Winter Break and Jake wasn't excited. Jake hated the academic part of school and he didn't have many close friends anyway. He wasn't bullied horribly but you could tell no one really liked him. He had some "friends" but he wasn't their first choice. He was always last. He glanced out of the passenger side window and noticed that they were pulling up to the car drop off. With a frown on his face and a slow step, he trudged out of the car. He started his way down to the Lyceum, where his "friend" group would most likely be eating breakfast and discussing the sick memes. They hadn't really talked over Winter Break but it was okay, because Jake knew that no matter how many times they promised to talk, it was all lies. They didn't really care about him and they would rather see him make a fool of himself. For all he knew, they might not even be at the Lyceum. They might have decided to ditch him over winter break and now they want to humiliate him. He doesn't know if he could handle that again. As he neared the Lyceum he noticed that Cody and Hannah seemed to be arguing about something, which was surprising. Not because Cody was arguing but because it was so early. It was about 8:10, which was too early. If Jake had his way, he would never wake up.
"Hey Cody and Hannah. What are you guys arguing about?" he asked, wondering if they would include him, or give him dirty looks until he apologized and left.
" Oh. Hey! Ha, Hannah says I should ask out my crush but its absolutely a horrible idea. She doesn't like me back. Why would someone so perfect ever like me back? Me! I'm so horrible, oh god. I don't deserve someone like Tabitha. She deserves the entire world and I can't offer that. I can't offer anything at all, I'm such a screw up. I hate myself, I can't believe I would let this happen to me. Oh, if only I tried harder to not fall in love, but everything I do, I mess up so much. I can't do anything right ever, except for screwing up!" Cody rambled, obviously distressed. I was surprised but only because I didn't know that Cody was a homosexual and that she liked  Tabathia.
" Chloe needs to man up, and ask her out. Of course Taylor would like you back!" Hailey argued back, obviously bored of trying to pound this through Chloe's head.
" Do what makes you happy." I whisper as I walk away, because Chloe got distracted again.
I looked around the Lyceum until my eyes locked with her. The reason I stayed up late, sometimes never sleeping for days at a time. Her, a treasure among the boring girls at the school. Sure some of the girls weren't that boring but none would ever match up to her. She blew every one out of the water by simply existing. He loved her so much, and she would never know how much he loved her. She was the reason he kept on living. He knew it was wrong to put that much responsibility on her but she would never know or find out about him. She had much more important things to do. He was lucky that she would ever even talk to him. Every time she muttered his name out of her perfect mouth, he died a little inside. All he longed was for her to say his name with love instead of amiability. As he heard her say his name in a greeting, he swore he heard her stutter. But he was probably making it up.
"Hey, Darwin. How was your winter?" he shot out before he could change his mind.

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